YTL revealed YES 4G mobile service in Malaysia, which will be commercially launched on 19th November. They are currently allowing customers to pre-register their yesID and mobile number. YES 4G provide our mobile internet via a few devices. They have the conventional USB dongle (Go), WIFI hotpsot (Huddle), Phone (Buzz) which is capable of wireless tethering and Home Gateway (Zoom) to whet you appetite. YES 4G will provide 300mB/month 3 years for free to public University student such as UTM, UTAR, UPM, UM, KTAR & USM.
What YES 4G can giving us?
4G network is 3 to 5 times faster than 3G simply because it was designed for the Internet of today. 3G however was built for voice. So when 3G networks try to move data on old technology, it becomes slow and congested. YES 4G is an all-IP network that is designed with the Internet in mind. This enables us to provide a faster and more reliable mobile Internet experience. They are also able to provide 100% digital, Quality-of-Service (QoS) voice calls. So what you get with YES 4G is consistency and quality, even when you're running network-intensive activities like multi-party video conferencing and streaming HDTV on the go.

Enjoy the lowest rates without having to commit to expensive monthly plans and long-term contracts. YES 4G will give you the lowest rates for data, calls, and SMS without conditions.

YES 4G know that it takes more than 65% of population coverage to turn Malaysia into a truly connected nation. Right now, we're expanding our coverage to be in more places, even as you're reading this.

YES 4G Website:
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