Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Malaysia's YTL Power buys stake in $5 bln Jordan shale project

YTL Corp unit to pay US$5bil for 30% stake in Enefit’s oil shale projects

KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Power International Bhd is investing in oil shale projects in Jordan with the acquisition of a 30% stake in Eesti Energia's Jordanian oil shale projects.

YTL would invest US$5bil to buy the 30% block in the Jordanian oil shale project, Bloomberg reported.
Eesti Energia and its Jordanian partner Near East Investment (NEI), together with YTL Power, will develop an oil plant with output of about 38,000 barrels per day.

Construction will commence following further analysis of the resource and environmental studies.
The plant will utilise Eesti Energia's leading proprietary oil recovery technology, which has more than 30 years of industrial production in Estonia.

As the new strategic partner, YTL Power would contribute its experience in developing and operating large energy production and trading assets in emerging markets, it said in a statement yesterday.

According to the new shareholding structure, Eesti Energia owns 65%, YTL Power 30% and NEI 5% of the oil shale projects in Jordan.

Eesti Energia is the national energy company of Estonia which is internationally known as Enefit while YTL Power is the utility subsidiary of YTL Corp Bhd.

We are delighted to have the opportunity to invest alongside Enefit, with its leading expertise in oil shale fired power generation and technology for oil recovery, said YTL Power executive director Datuk Yeoh Seok Hong. Chong said YTL Power first became interested in the upstream side of the oil business after acquiring Power Seraya from Singapore's Temasek Holdings in 2008.

"This (the investment in Jordan) fits well with our strategy of investing in natural resource-based energy infrastructure," said Datuk Yeoh Seok Hong, executive director of YTL Power, in an emailed statement.

"We are going into Jordan on a holistic basis, which means we are going to be involved in every part of the project," YTL Power's director of financial analysis Lucius Chong said.

"This is our first time in the country and the first time we are working with oil shale, which is why we have entered into a partnership with Eestie Energia."

Enefit chief executive officer Sandor Liive said YTL's presence would make a great contribution to the realisation of these projects which would put Jordan for the first time on the way to energy independence.

Eestie Energia is the world's largest producer of shale oil. The Estonian government had considered listing a minority stake in the power company, but shelved the IPO due to market instability.

In May, Jordan Oil Shale Energy Company, a subsidiary of Eesti Energia, signed a concession agreement with Jordanian government for the mining of oil shale from Attarat um Ghudrun oil shale deposit in Jordan.

This was the first surface mining oil shale concession to be awarded by the Jordanian government, Bernama reported.



2010-5-13 17:02:55  国际石油网 网友评论
    约旦和爱沙尼亚政府于2010年5月11日签署一项协议,允许爱沙尼亚能源公司(Eesti Energia)-在国际上以Enefit商标经营 - 进行约旦油页岩的勘探与加工。 该协议签署之前,约旦政府已于5月4日对协议进行了预先批准。


    约旦是中东地区以油页岩作为唯一能源资源的少数几个国家之一。 然而,约旦凭借其油页岩资源可以轻松满足其电力和石油方面的能源需求。 自2003年以来,约旦一直依赖来自埃及的石油进口和天然气供应,在此之前,其石油及天然气能源的供应则依赖于伊拉克。

    约旦拥有世界第七大油页岩储备(次于美国、俄罗斯、刚果、巴西、意大利和摩洛哥),其探明储量超过400亿吨。 已发现超过20个靠近地表的矿藏点,覆盖约旦60%的国土。


    爱沙尼亚能源公司将在约旦 Attarat Um Ghudran 矿床中提取油页岩,该矿床是约旦主要矿床之一。 这项工作将由约旦油页岩能源公司负责实施,该公司是爱沙尼亚能源公司和约旦投资集团(由Munir Atalla 所拥有的Near East Investments)共同出资建立的子公司。 Near East Investments持该子公司24%的股份。

    石油项目: 无底合成原油日产量约38,000桶(油桶)。
    电力项目: 油页岩直燃发电能力达900兆瓦。



    凭借其Enefit 280技术,爱沙尼亚能源公司能够利用十分有限的水资源来进行油页岩的开采,这种技术特别适合约旦的气候条件。 至于发电用水,爱沙尼亚能源公司已获得授权进行特许范围内的水资源勘探和开采(在现有的水源开采权下),以及对特许范围之外的水源进行勘探(在约旦法律的标准需求下)。

    爱沙尼亚能源公司 —世界领先的页岩油生产商


    爱沙尼亚能源公司已与其战略伙伴Outotec开发了用于液体燃料生产的先进的固体热载体技术 ,应用此项技术的工厂目前正在爱沙尼亚建设,并将于2012年投产。

    爱沙尼亚能源公司也向希望利用本国油页岩储备的国家销售其关键专有技术。在摩洛哥,爱沙尼亚能源公司与摩洛哥国家能源部门(ONHYM)于4月27日签署了谅解备忘录– 赋予爱沙尼亚能源公司探测摩洛哥油页岩矿床的专有权,如果可行,将获得这些矿床的开采权并发展其油页岩产业。





资源   油页岩产油率低于6%者属贫矿,高于10%的属富矿。世界已探明的产油率在 4%以上的油页岩储量,折合页岩油约470Gt,超过已探明的石油储量。美国西部格林河流域拥有世界上储量最大的油页岩矿藏;中国的油页岩资源也较丰富, 仅次于美国、巴西、俄罗斯等国,其中最负盛名的为抚顺矿区,与煤共生,探明油页岩储量3.6Gt,平均产油率约5.5%;茂名油页岩矿,可采储量4Gt, 平均产油率6.0%。


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