Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Masterskill down further
Higher requirements for nursing course affect student intake
KUALA LUMPUR: Masterskill Education Group Bhd (MEGB) took a beating yesterday, with its share price losing 21 sen or 13.7% to close at RM1.32 after reporting a less than stellar second-quarter results last Friday. The stock has been on continuous downtrend since it listed at RM3.80 in May 2010.
Bursa Malaysia closed after the morning session yesterday owing to the Hari Raya and National Day holidays.
Research houses also downgraded the prospects of Masterskill Education Group Bhd, following its weak second-quarter results, which were attributed to lower student enrolments arising from the higher nursing minimum entry requirements and the change in the timing for public universities' intake.
In a note yesterday, CIMB Research said that it was taken aback by the impact of the higher entry requirements for the nursing diploma on net student intake from Janunary to June 2011.
“Earlier this year, the Malaysian Nursing Board raised the entry requirements from three credits to five credits, which affected student numbers slightly in the first quarter of 2011,” it said, adding that second -quarter student numbers were expected to recover but the student intake trend was weaker during MEGB's enrolment drive in the past three to four months.
It said that in the medium term, student intake prospects were unexciting and margins would be under pressure.
The National Higher Education Fund Corp's recent loan scheme revision was viewed as negative given that Masterskill's average diploma course fee is RM52,000, and the new policy is enforced industry-wide and is expected to be more detrimental to small colleges that are highly dependent on nursing diploma students.
For the health sciences segment, loan allocation per student for all health science-related diploma courses is reduced from RM60,000 to RM45,000 and applies to all new and existing courses for all campuses and college locations.
“Student growth for the next two to three years does not look as exciting as before. We previously assumed a 10%-13% annual student population growth for financial year 2011 to 2013. This no longer looks achievable. We are now looking at growth of 8%-7% annually,” it said.
CIMB Research downgraded the group to “neutral” with a target price of RM1.71 from RM3.48 previously, saying that changes in industry-wide policies since Masterskill's listing have buffeted the market leader.
It said prospects for strong growth of student numbers for its existing campuses were unexciting although it still held a long-term positive view on the group's expansion into non-healthcare courses, new university campus and move into degree and medical degree courses.
To be noted is the fact that CIMB Investment Bank Bhd was the principal adviser, retail underwriter as well as the joint global co-ordinator and joint bookrunners together with Goldman Sachs for the group's initial public offering.
Meanwhile, HwangDBS Vickers Research lowered its new student intake assumptions to 4,000 from 6,500 in 2011, 5,100 from 7,300 in 2012 and 5,700 from 8,100 in 2013, with its year-to-date enrolment rate suggesting MEGB could struggle to meet its expectations which were already lowered amid tough business environment.
The research house had also downgraded the stock to “fully valued” from “buy” previously with a lower target price of RM1.20 versus RM2.50 previously.
News had also resurfaced that private equity firm Crescent Point Investment Holdings Ltd, founded by former Morgan Stanley bankers, may sell its 21.5% stake in MEGB.
In 2009, it was speculated that the firm was looking to divest its 65% stake then in South-East Asia's largest nursing and healthcare college operator for a reported value of between US$200mil and US$250mil. However, the report was refuted by the Singapore-based firm's partner and managing director Richard Scanlon then.
Friday, August 26, 2011
其次,企業庫存問題不嚴重。對比1990年、2000年、2008年三次股災發生前的企業界表現,都出現庫存甚高情況。根據美國聯準會統計,三次企業庫存銷售比(Inventory to Sales Ratio)都起碼高達1.44以上,數據越高表示庫存越多,銷售越少,但眼前美國企業庫存銷售比才1.28,接近2006當時水準,而今年第一季景氣最佳時,庫存銷售比也僅1.25,換言之並非庫存壓力拖垮經濟。
◎矽谷最令人害怕的人 專利軍火頭子
YTL Corp net profit soars in Q4
Cement business, offshore property development shine
PETALING JAYA: YTL Corp Bhd, whose interests range from construction and property to information and communications technology solutions, posted a 196.79% surge in net profit to RM304.01mil for the fourth quarter ended June 30 compared with the corresponding quarter a year ago.
This was achieved on better performance of its cement business and offshore property development activities.
Revenue for the quarter was 14.94% higher at RM5.42bil compared with the same quarter a year ago. For the full year, the company's net profit rose 23.62% to RM1.06bil on revenue that gained 12.51% to RM18.57bil.
Yeoh: ‘The group’s reorganisation is now pending completion.’
Group managing director Tan Sri Francis Yeoh Sock Ping said in a statement that net profit and revenue was primarily driven by the power generation, water and cement operations as well as overseas property development projects.
“In July this year, we entered into an agreement with Japan's Marubeni Corp, a key player in the international utilities market, with a view of enabling Marubeni to co-invest with us via the holding company for the group's 35% equity investment in PT Jawa Power, which owns a 1,220MW power station in Indonesia,” he said.
Yeoh added that the partnership formed the basis of cooperation on potential investments and future opportunities in the global utilities industry.
“During the year under review, we continued to make progress on the reorganisation of the group's property development assets and companies which was approved by shareholders this month and is now pending completion,” he said.
Yeoh said the reorganisation would streamline operations by housing the group's property development assets and projects within the same division to leverage on operational and developmental efficiencies and synergies.
YTL Cement Bhd posted a 19.08% rise in net profit to RM80.10mil and a 28.52% gain in revenue to RM635.04mil for the fourth quarter ended June 30 compared with the same period a year ago on higher demand from the construction industry as well as improved performance of overseas operations.
YTL Power International Bhd posted a 1.41% decline in net profit to RM451.56mil on a 13.62% rise in revenue of RM4.26bil mainly from contributions from foreign operations including in power generation, water and sewerage services as well as merchant multi-utility businesses and communications.
YTL Land and Development Bhd posted a 154.36% jump in net profit to RM9.76mil owing to higher other operating income and lower operating expenses.
However, revenue tumbled 76.59% to RM8.80mil on lower revenue recognition from both construction and property development segments due to completion of certain projects during the period under review and the timing difference of new project launches.
YTL E-Solutions Bhd's net profit advanced 98.69% to RM6.89mil mainly due to higher fee income earned from WiMAX spectrum on a 135.45% jump in revenue to RM22.44mil.
Genting 2Q net profit dips 8.92% to RM673.22m
Genting said on Thursday, Aug 25 that its earnings per share was 18.17 sen compared to 20 sen in 2010, while net asset per share was RM4.53.
Genting declared a gross interim dividend of 3.5 sen per share of 10 sen each, to be paid on Oct 27.
For the six months ended June 30, Genting’s net profit jumped 54.2% to RM1.49 billion from RM971.61 million in 2010, on the back of a 29.9% increase in revenue to RM9.35 billion from RM7.19 billion.
Reviewing its performance for the six months ended June 30, Genting said the increase in revenue and adjusted earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortisation (EBITDA) came mainly from the leisure & hospitality, power and PLANTATION [] divisions.
Revenue from the Singapore IR increased compared with revenue in the first half of 2010 due to a first full half year of operations, it said.
The higher revenue contributed to the higher adjusted EBITDA in the current half year, it said.
“The revenue and adjusted EBITDA of the leisure and hospitality business in Malaysia increased in the current half year due to higher hold percentage in the premium players business,” it said.
Genting said the increase in revenue of its power division arose mainly from the Meizhou Wan power plant as a result of higher dispatch in the current half year.
The current half year revenue had also included a compensation from the Fujian provincial government in respect of an increase in tariff rate, it said.
The increase in the adjusted EBITDA was attributable to the higher revenue in the current half year, it said.
Meanwhile, it said the plantation division’s revenue and adjusted EBITDA in the current half year increased due mainly to higher palm products prices and higher FFB production.
It also said there was no revenue from the oil and gas division following the disposal of Genting Oil & Gas (China) Limited (GOGCL) on Dec 10, 2010.
The loss incurred during the current half year arose mainly from general and administrative expenses, it said.
On its prospects, Genting said it was cautious on the outlook of the leisure and hospitality industry as the global economy was showing signs of increasing uncertainties.
It said the power division might be affected by higher coal prices which would however be mitigated by an increase in tariff rate for the Meizhou Wan power plant which has been agreed with the provincial government and expected higher summer generation hours.
Meanwhile, it said the performance of Genting Plantations Bhd was expected to be better than that of the previous financial year.
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Wednesday, August 24, 2011
⑴价值投资法(Value Investing)。
⑵技术分析法(Technical, Analysis),又叫图表家(Chartist)。
在图一和图二的情形,投资者可以用市价总值(Market capitalisation)作为指导。
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
45%受訪民眾賠錢捨不得停損 被套牢 加碼攤平就好?
投資套牢了,如果堅定市場是錯的,自己才是對的,那你注定是輸家,賠錢第一課就是「不要跟市場爭辯」,下跌一定有下跌的道理,先檢討自己為什麼買到賠錢的 投資。以股票為例,當初是否聽信名嘴搶進「明牌」?如果真的聽信明牌買進,現在賠了,那就乾脆出場吧!因為當初糊裡糊塗地買,賠的時候也會是糊裡糊塗地 賠,不如當下認賠殺出,不要再硬拗,以免愈賠愈多,也當做花錢買經驗。
不論是股票或基金,當理性評估過後,發現該股、該產業、或該國經濟沒有前景,就要趁早認賠,把變現的錢拿去投資具備潛力的標的。特別是市場整體大跌時,此 時好、壞標的一起跌,但接下來,好標的會出頭,沒前景的標的會繼續沉淪,所以當市場全面性重挫時,一定要重新檢視是否需要轉換投資標的。
KNM down in active trade on lower 1H earnings
Tuesday, 23 August 2011 09:50
KUALA LUMPUR: KNM GROUP BHD []’s shares were actively traded and fell on Tuesday, Aug 23 after its net profit for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011 fell 23.2% to RM10.86 million from RM14.14 million a year earlier, due to slower improvement in capacity utilisation in certain operating unit.
At 9.50am, KNM fell two sen to RM1.46 with 3.97 million shares done.
Revenue for the quarter rose to RM544.30 million from RM383.21 million in 2010 due to higher revenue recognition. Earnings per share was 1.11 sen while net assets per share was RM1.83.
For the six months ended June 30, KNM’s net profit fell 45.1% to RM29.87 million from RM54.48 million in 2010, on the back of revenue RM957.30 million.
Maybank IB Research on Aug 23 downgraded KNM to Sell, and cut its target price to RM1.19 (from RM2).
The research house said KNM’s 1H results were a letdown, prompting it to cut 2011-13 earnings by up to 64% p.a..
While KNM delivered on topline, bottomline was a disappointment, felled by cost overruns and high operating expenses, its aid.
“While the share price has underperformed by 48% YTD, we expect performance to be further suppressed.
“There is no sign of an operating recovery and cost control is absent. Further, valuations are expensive now," it said in a note.
KNM 2Q net profit falls 23.25% to RM10.86m
Written by Surin Murugiah of theedgemalaysia.com
Monday, 22 August 2011 18:09
KUALA LUMPUR: KNM GROUP BHD [] net profit for the second quarter ended June 30, 2011 fell 23.2% to RM10.86 million from RM14.14 million a year earlier, due to slower improvement in capacity utilisation in certain operating units.
It said on Monday, Aug 22 that revenue for the quarter rose to RM544.30 million from RM383.21 million in 2010 due to higher revenue recognition.
Earnings per share was 1.11 sen while net assets per share was RM1.83.
For the six months ended June 30, KNM’s net profit fell 45.1% to RM29.87 million from RM54.48 million in 2010, on the back of revenue RM957.30 million.
On its prospects for the year, KNM said it expects increase improvement in certain operating units and as such croup’s profitability for the year 2011 would improve, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
Monday, August 22, 2011
歐洲央行如小型快艇 卻得救將沉的歐洲大船
歐洲央行已經購買了近1000億歐元的周邊國家國債,而且承諾將繼續大手筆買進。較少受到關注的是,歐洲央行還把所謂的「回購操作」(repo operations)規模擴大了好幾倍,通過回購操作,歐洲央行將歐元注入到受困銀行中,「暫時」交換這些銀行資產負債表上的國債,且「隨時可以逆操作」。
KNM has bottomed out
Friday, 19 August 2011 10:56
KNM Group Bhd
(Aug 18, RM1.56)
Maintain buy at RM1.57 with revised target price of RM2.10 (from RM3.35): Given the slower-than-expected rollout of EnergyPark Peterborough, we understand the client has not secured financial close, we trim FY11 to FY13F gross profit margins by 1.2% to 1.9%. Consequently, FY11 to FY13F earnings were cut by 17% to 32%, also indicating a slower rollout. We had initially assumed 15% completion by FY11, but now push back commencement to FY12, which will see 23% earnings contribution. We remain confident the project will take off given that it is a renewable energy project, in line with the UK government’s commitment to sourcing 15% of its energy from renewable sources by 2020.
We expect 2QFY11 earnings to be similar to 1QFY11, reflecting sluggish margins for old contracts secured in FY09 and 1H10. As highlighted in our previous reports, we expect earnings recovery to be more pronounced in 2HFY11, especially 4QFY11 with the completion of old contracts. KNM’s tender book is still hovering at RM17 billion, indicating a still buoyant outlook.
Following the earnings downgrade, we cut our target price to RM2.10, pegged to 12 times FY12 earnings per share, in line with the sector average.
The recent selldown on an expectedly weak global economic outlook has provided an opportunity to accumulate KNM shares on weakness. KNM’s share price has dropped to a two-year low despite its better prospects compared with the last two years. Earnings visibility remains supported by a RM5.5 billion order book as at July 2011 (against RM2.4 billion in July 2010), implying 3.5 times book-to-bill ratio. We remain bullish on KNM’s long-term prospects. The full impact of normalised margins will be reflected in FY12. — HwangDBS Vickers Research, Aug 18
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, August 19, 2011.
Alpha Chart: Alpha Chart...An "Ugly Pageant", Anyone?
Read this blog.
Friday, August 19, 2011
猶太人—千年不墜的富有民族 想賺錢 得走不一樣的路
以下這些人, 你一定常聽到他們的大名,包括美國聯準會前主席葛林斯潘(Alan Greenspan)、金融巨鱷索羅斯(George Soros)以及著名的投資大師科斯托蘭尼(André Kostolany),都擁有猶太血統。
熱錢回頭 新興亞洲現買點
八日,新台幣兌美元匯率破二十九元大關,以二十 八‧九九作收,創下近十三年半來新高。亞洲央行相繼升息,不只台灣,包括印度、南韓與中國等新興亞洲國家,無不吸引外資持續匯入,接連上演貨幣升值戲碼。
新興市場又看俏 近期淨流入十六億美元
追蹤共同基金流向的美國基金研究機構EPFR Global統計,就在三月底,幾乎連續幾週「失血」的全球新興市場基金,首見淨流入近十六億美元,其中,新興亞洲更中止連續九週淨流出。四月以來,台灣、南韓、印尼等新興亞洲國家,更是備受外資青睞的投資標的。
本益比相對低 通膨有壓力、無殺傷力
新興亞洲列首選 中國上漲空間最大
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Stocks to hold in an economic downturn
Wednesday, 17 August 2011 12:28
Given the high degree of openness of the economy, a global slowdown will be felt strongly in the external trade-related sectors. Deterioration in external demand will affect exports and export-oriented manufacturing. Private investment will take a hit in view of deteriorating business conditions.
When this happens, we can expect large drawdowns of inventory, particularly in the manufacturing and commodity sectors, thus dragging down domestic growth. Deterioration will retard job creation, income growth, businesses and consumer sentiment. We revise downwards 2011 real GDP growth to 4.5% from our base case growth of 5.3% and optimistic scenario of 6.1% on the assumption that world growth will expand by 3.9%, with G3 by 1% and developing Asia by 8.4%.
Considerations for the 2011 downgrade
Exports, the first growth leg, are expected to slow down. Hurting most will be electrical and electronics (E&E), whose exports have been on a negative growth trajectory since March 2011. Slower global growth would mean production will ease in tandem with softer global demand.
We fear manufacturers across the global E&E supply chain would cut back production and drawing down from inventory. A broad contraction of global demand can result in substantial declines in the computer and parts and electrical product segments, especially when corporations decide to delay investing in equipment and software. Electrical products will be influenced by consumer spending.
We also expect some level of dampening of manufacturing in the primary-related cluster. In particular, our concern is over the chemical products industry, which can take a hit if
demand for plastic parts and components used in the E&E and automotive industries gets hurt. Production of the off-estate processing industry can be affected as well by
unfavourable commodity prices, since it will provide less incentive to process off-estate products.
Earnings from commodity exports could drop due to weaker demand and lower prices. After surging through April, commodity prices started to ease in May. We believe the corrections could partly be due to the unwinding of an earlier build-up of non-commercial derivative positions following the increase in general financial volatility and the reaction to recent data on a softer global economy. Prices of crude oil briefly came close to US$120 a barrel in April, fell sharply in May and have stabilised since. Food prices also stabilised since
early 2011 after 2010’s weather-related supply shocks. Our concern will be when both output and prices drop and higher export volume is unable to cushion the fall in prices.
At times when global sentiment towards equity is weak, no market can
claim to have decoupled from Wall Street, the centre of the world's
equity market.
Impact from second growth

We expect private expenditure to take the lead in driving 2011 economic growth with private consumption being one of the key pillars of growth. While household sentiments are to remain healthy in the near term, our bigger concern is going forward. Households will retrench their spending when the labour market becomes wobbly on employment prospects.
A pessimistic outlook on income expectations as well as falling real wages will force consumers to lower their expenditure binge.
It is possible household income in sectors that are not severely exposed to external demand may not suffer, hence spending patterns may remain relatively unaffected. While this holds true, we are of the view that spending behaviour can be affected by the weak sentiment following the overall weaker economic conditions and uncertainties over income outlook and job security. This will result in a decline in private consumption spending.
This can lead to a decline in capacity expansion. Capital spending will start to decline if business sentiment starts to wane. This will result in businesses deferring or cancelling expansion especially when external demand weakens and a more cautious outlook on domestic economic conditions is perceived. It will affect the inflow of foreign direct investment and domestic investment. Should investment decline we can expect production to slow down, lowering capacity utilisation rate and easing the need for firms to embark on additional capacity expansion.
However, we believe much will depend on how private investment pans out and can lend support to private expenditure (private consumption + private investment) and growth. Much will depend on the magnitude and speed the Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) projects kick in as this will determine the size of the multiplier and its impact on the economy.
Liquidity, the third growth leg, might weigh on the economy
Developing Asia’s inflation is broad based. Headline inflation in developing Asia, including Malaysia, has been on the uptrend driven by larger-than-expected increases in commodity prices. This is due to a higher share of food and fuel in consumption and accelerating demand pressure.
With volatile global financial market conditions since late May, risk of over-tightening of the policy rate by Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) to contain inflation can alleviate the speed
of a sharper slowdown. After easing through much of 1H11, markets have become increasingly worried over sovereign risks in the eurozone, the downgrade of the US credit rating to AA+ from AAA by Standard and Poor’s and weakness in the US economic recovery. Insufficient pace of repairing the banking system, notably in Europe, and risks related to re-leverage in various market segments have heightened risks. This is reflected by the rising sovereign credit default swap spreads in some euro economies.
Hence, worries are brewing as to whether there will be a trade-off between growth and inflation. Such concern has started brewing with the US economy still on a weak recovery note. Fear of the US Federal Reserve embarking on another round of monetary easing is growing. Should this happen, it will add additional inflationary pressure and may push up commodity prices. Inflow of short-term funds into developing Asia, including Malaysia, will accelerate, thus making it tougher to control prices.
Can raising policy rates solve the issue? Our answer is “no”. Hiking rates will widen the differential in interest rates, especially with the Fed’s decision to keep the benchmark lending rate near zero till “at least” through mid-2013. Widening interest rate differential will entice more liquidity into developing Asia, given its healthier economy compared to the G3. This will further add inflation into developing Asia, including Malaysia.
On that note, we expect BNM to hold the overnight policy rate (OPR) at 3%. We expect BNM to use macro-prudential measures to tackle inflation should it become less tolerable. We are not ruling out the possibility of the statutory reserve requirement (SRR), now at 4%, to be raised by another 50 to 100bps to absorb liquidity should it become a concern.
Strengthening the ringgit will help ease imported inflationary pressure.
Malaysia’s growth for 2012 looks tricky
Driven by global uncertainties with increasing odds that the US and eurozone could fall into recession and China risk a hard landing, we expect Malaysia to face a challenging 2012. External trade-related sectors are expected to remain weak given the high degree of openness. It can put a lid on the upside growth to exports and export-oriented manufacturing. Private investment will be dampened by the poor business conditions and drawdowns of inventory.
With our global growth projection at 3.5% in 2012 on the assumption that G3 will expand modestly by 2% and developing Asia by 7.9%, our growth outlook for Malaysia is 4.8%. Based on our base case growth projection, we have ruled out a recession for Malaysia.
Nonetheless, we are not ruling out the possibility of the economy registering one or two quarters of negative growth.
In our view, the risk for Malaysia falling into recession will depend much on private expenditure and the regional economic outlook. If the world heads for a recession, dragged by the US, eurozone and a hard landing in China, Malaysia’s risk of falling into recession for the fourth time since Independence will be heightened. Much will depend on how private expenditure will compensate for the shortfall in exports. We do not foresee much
contribution from the public sector. With our odds for a global recession at 40%, the risk is that Malaysia could fall into recession in 2012. Should this happen, we project the
economy to shrink by 0.9%.
Exports could remain weak. Downside risk to E&E remains, but can be contained if:
(i) regional demand stays favourable;
(ii) inventory rebuilding takes place; and
(iii) implementation of stimulus measures partially boosts demand for final electronic products.
The outlook for E&E will also influence manufacturing in the primary-related cluster, especially the chemical products industry. Also of concern to us will be the earnings from commodity exports, which will depend on demand and prices.
Can private expenditure complement any shortfall from weak exports? Erosion in household confidence due to a pessimistic outlook on income expectations and falling real wages can retrench spending. Such behaviour can choke businesses confidence and hence capital spending. Inflow of FDI and domestic investment expansion can take a hit. Any reversal to the negative scenario will depend on the ETP projects and the regional economic outlook.
Thus, implementation will have to be faster than just announcing.
Risk of falling into a ‘liquidity trap’?
While this may not be an issue for now, a U-turn monetary policy may not necessarily provide the desired results. Much will depend on consumer confidence. To ensure confidence remains stable and to ensure a workable U-turn monetary policy it is essential to protect the labour market from worsening and also real wages from falling due to inflation.
Although we have played down this risk for now, this can be a problem going forward.

strain would be the implementation of GST by end-2012 and trimming of public consumption expenditure, especially in the area of operating expenditure. We continue to reiterate our view that the budget deficit in 2011 would be trimmed to 5.4% of GDP in 2011 from 5.6% of GDP in 2010. Looking ahead into 2012, we expect the budget reduction would be around 5.2% of GDP, still staying above the 5% threshold.
The severe retracement in the local market recently was not unexpected and is clearly a contagion effect from the turmoil on Wall Street. At times when global sentiment towards equity is weak, no market can claim to have decoupled from Wall Street, the centre of the world’s equity market.
How the equity market has behaved recently shed some light on what the price trend will be until the end of the year. Judging by the intensity of the market pullback, what transpired was surely not a one-day fluke, unlike the “flash” crash of the previous year. We reckon that the market is hurriedly pricing in more severe headwinds than earlier expected. While there could be a technical rebound, selling pressure on the equity market is expected to persist for a while. The market is likely to remain volatile, with prices on a correction path until it reaches equilibrium.
We believe investors are bracing for the prospect of either a global double-dip recession or marked slower-than-expected growth. The Fed pictured a subdued outlook for the US economy, so much so that it expects to keep the key overnight rate near zero through mid-2013. GDP growth announced for 2Q11 thus far has been lacklustre, with the US figure coming in lower than expected at 1.3% against market consensus of 1.9%. The economic report card for Asia-Pacific countries has also been equally lacklustre.
In addition, the sovereign debt situation in the eurozone is far from settling with “too big to bail” countries such as Italy and Spain beginning to show signs of distress as evident by soaring spreads in the credit default swap (CDS) market. Moreover, S&P’s downgrade of US credit ratings to AA+ from AAA, with room for further downgrading to AA if the US fails to reduce spending to the agreed upon level by 2013, certainly does not help market sentiment.
A death cross is crossover resulting from an index’s short-term moving average or support level falling below the long-term moving average. As long-term indicators carry more weight, this trend indicates a bear market on the horizon and is reinforced by high trading volumes. Additionally, the long-term moving average becomes the new resistance level in the rising market. The “short-term” popularly refers to the 50-day moving average (50dma) while
the “long-term” refers to the 200-day moving average (200dma). When the 50dma crosses from below the 200dma, it is called the “golden cross”. When the 50dma crosses from above to below the 200dma it is called the “death cross”.
Our simulation of the FBM KLCI shows that we can expect a death cross on Sept 15. This assumes that the market consolidates at the 1,500 level from now onwards. While the market may stage a rebound after a death cross, the 200dma will be a strong resistance. This resistance should be in the region of 1,530. Thereafter, expect a secular (long-lasting) downtrend. In 2008, it lasted for more than six months.
Based on empirical observations, the FBM KLCI’s present year price-earnings ratio (PER) generally ranged between 14 and 18 times during “peace” time and it slumped to as low as nine times at the depth of a “crisis” period. As we enter into a period of heightened uncertainty, we surmise that the market PER valuation shall accordingly be reflective of the situation. Hence we can expect the FBM KLCI to end the year at the lower end of its peace time PER band of 14 times. Revised FBM KLCI 2011 target to 1,430 points.
At 14 times PER, our FBM KLCI year-end 2011 target is thereby revised downward to 1,430 points. The new target is 13.3% lower than our previous target of 1,650 points.
The table lists a total of 13 stocks that we believe will not only outperform the broader market but will also continue to maintain its dividend payments in the event of a secular bear market. The 13 stocks met all our established yardsticks except for Axiata Bhd, Maxis Bhd and MSM Malaysia Holdings Bhd as they lack price history due to their relatively recent listings.
Nevertheless, we believe they are in good stead to outperform the broader market in the event of a bear market due to the defensive nature of their businesses. Furthermore their strong financial standing leaves little doubt about their ability to maintain dividend payments even during an economic downturn.
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
佐利克說,歐洲央行最近買進義大利和西班牙(新聞 - 網站 - 圖片)公債的決定是正確的,但是這種方式只能發揮短期穩定市場的效用,對於治本沒有幫助。
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
分享锦集:价值导航 反向致胜
被视为债务风险评估权威的标准普尔(Standard & Poor’s),简称标普,上周五将维持了70年的美国国债评级,由AAA降至AA+,触发了次贷金融海啸以来的另一场股灾。
美国30年代的经济大萧条,横扫全球,无一国能幸免,那是由于各国采取了自扫门前雪的政策(Beggar Thy Neigbour),结果是同归于尽,如今每个国家的领袖,都有同荣枯的想法,不敢采取落井下石的行动。
靠存股 拼年領百萬股息
才存3年,就碰上金融海嘯,當時做價差的帳戶,帳面虧損6成。但存股帳戶裡的台達電,雖然股價在2008年從年初最高的110元,跌到年底最慘只有 56.6元,跌幅達到48.55%,但在配股配息的加持之下,當年度還是配得了1萬2,000元股利。抱股4年下來,含配股配息所累積的報酬率,仍有 48.1%。
擅長挑選成長股的基金達人何文賢也認為,喬飛對於投資股票的觀念非常清楚,選股和買進價的設計也很縝密,尤其會每月更新數據,等於是在用滾動的獲利(Rolling EPS)和營收,來推估未來殖利率與合理價,較不容易買錯,而這樣認真做存股投資,長期成功的機率會很高。
6年前,喬飛的股票資產是零,現在手上存的股票市值超過400萬元,並且連續2年都賺到7%的現金股利,「以每年再投入200萬元,以及把賺到的 7%股利再投入;在2015年時,我的股票資產可累積1,500萬元,一年可領到100萬元的股利。」喬飛用他養老股檔案中的現金流試算後,得意的告訴我。
Monday, August 15, 2011
Property price pullback after strong show in 2010: More to come?
Monday, 15 August 2011 11:48
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There is no question that Malaysia’s residential property market had a great run between 2001 and 2011. But property stocks have had a chequered performance record.
A capitalisation-weighted sector index, the Bursa Malaysia Properties Index suggests property stocks exhibit a pattern of returning to the approximate base levels (starting points) after the index completes its rally.
Each successive rally also took the index higher than the previous occasion, that is, assuming the current rally will accomplish the same. This suggests that, in general, property stocks on Bursa Malaysia are purely cyclical and exhibit increasingly volatile retracements with every new upswing cycle.
The upswing portion of each rally cycle appears to last either about 11 months or, if of an extended duration, about 20 months. Given that property stocks began rallying in April 2009, the post-recession rally reached its 21st-month duration in January 2011 and may already be past its approximate end if the January 2011 high is to be taken as a peak.
Given the cyclical nature of property stocks, they are unsuitable for a buy-and-hold approach to investing. Timing considerations then take on an important role in investments in property stocks.
An integral part of investing in property stocks is therefore to also read market trends for signals identifying a peak in the cycle e.g. relying on technical analysis for signals, but we will suggest that there are other ways to achieve this.
Success in direct property investments depends ultimately on the choice of location, but sentiment trends may be discerned from Malaysia’s House Price Index. After staging an excellent run in 2010, particularly in Kuala Lumpur and Selangor, this index dipped quarter-on-quarter in 1Q11.
Anecdotal evidence suggests that speculative activities did play a major role in the initial run-up in prices in 2009 right after interest rates fell with the onset of the 2008 global downturn. In turn, the sharp price appreciation drew in new speculators and resulted in newly formed families bringing forward house purchase decisions.
In the past 10 years, property prices rose steadily, resulting in a proliferation of hitherto rare million-ringgit homes. Based on the national House Price Index, a “representative” residential property costing RM100,000 in 1988 would have risen in value from RM220,694 in 2000 to RM308,066 in 2010, up 40% on the back of a rise in per capita nominal income of 20%.
Property investment became a viable asset class in Malaysia, where it had stayed in a class of alternative investments outside mainstream asset classes in the preceding decades.
What has changed in the past 10 years that has allowed house price appreciation to outstrip income growth without affecting demand? We suggest six main factors:
Malaysia's aggressively young demographic profile has and will continue to fuel rising demand for housing.
1) Malaysia’s aggressively young demographic profile has and will continue to fuel rising demand for housing. There’s an age pyramid showing a jump in the population in the 20 to 29 years age bracket compared with the 30 to 39 bracket.
This means that household formation is set to pick up pace sharply and that sets the stage for a boom in housing demand in the medium term. Our estimates suggest that on a nationwide basis, the rate of household formation implies that the incoming supply can be mostly absorbed.
But demographic dynamics do not permit demand to circumvent affordability issues.
2) Interest rates fell steadily from 1998 highs. From a mean lending rate of 12.1% in 1998, interest rates fell to 5% in 2010. This lowered the monthly interest-only cost of, for example, a RM200,000 loan by 34.5% from RM1,278 to RM837 while nominal incomes rose 20%.
Lately, many developers even absorb the holding cost by offering interest-free periods until completion. This enables property speculators to gamble on potential price appreciation by buying, then simply “flipping” a property to the next purchaser before the need to pay any money at all arises.
3) Loan to value (LTV) or the margin of finance that banks permitted borrowers to take on rose from typical ceilings of about 70% in the early 1990s to as high as 95% to 100% recently.
The implication is that house buyers need not spend as many years accumulating cash resources needed as deposit for a purchase. Consequently, it became possible to buy a residential property very early in one’s career. Purchase decisions brought forward easily in this manner fuelled demand for houses.
4) Loan repayment periods were in the past constrained by the length of one’s working career (up to 55 years of age), effectively limiting anyone who began working immediately after graduation from university to no more than a 32-year loan. But no more. Banks resorted to two-generation loans of 40+ years’ duration at the peak of Malaysia’s 1980s property boom. Malaysian banks have now come full circle to again offer 40-year loans or for periods until the borrowers reach 70 years of age (effectively launching into two-generation loans again).
The average life expectancy for Malaysian males is 73 years, meaning that this measure (lengthening repayment periods) has no further room for play.
5) Multiple home mortgages spread across several financial institutions each still declared as owner-occupied units generate strong demand that is higher than can be inferred from income or demographics. They reduce each bank’s exposure to a given borrower, but mask elevated systemic risks. Generally, owner-occupied residential mortgages find favour with banks because they are thought to spread out risks, and individuals will arguably be loathe to lose the roof over their heads.
Owner-occupied home mortgages also tax the capital base of banks less. They carry 50% risk weight, allowing banks to extend twice the sum in credit on a given capital base.
6) The rise of property as an international investment asset class. The pooling of investor resources via vehicles like local and regional REITs (real estate investment trusts) has telegraphed the up-until-then limited ability of individual investors to invest in large-scale commercial properties. Some property consultants also attribute the purchase of properties by foreigners as an important demand driver, but other than residential properties in a limited number of enclaves, this may not be a major source of property demand.
Applications to take up residence here under the Malaysia My Second Home programme number about 1,500 a year. Some consultants also allude to the repatriation of money by returning expatriate Malaysians. The extent of this inflow and the number of individuals involved is unknown.
It is clear that easier and cheaper credit availability for both residential as well as commercial properties were major factors fuelling a decade-long upswing in property prices. Between 2000 and 2010, nominal GDP rose annually at 4.6% a year Banking system housing loans in comparison, grew far faster annually, averaging 16.8% a year.
This translated into increasing levels of household debts relative to income. During all periods when GDP growth stalled in the past decade, loans growth merely slowed briefly, only to see, on recovery, an acceleration to a pace faster than prior to the slowdown.
The resultant relentless rise in household debts became possible mainly via a loosening of lending standards in the manner described above.
Is further leverage even possible?
The precise upper limit of sustainable household debts is a matter, of some conjecture, but Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) has begun to turn its attention to the matter given the role played by unsustainable household debt levels in inflating a housing market bubble in the US between 2002 and 2006 and given an alarming number of cases of individuals (140,000) seeking assistance from AKPK (the Credit Mediation Bureau).
How far away are Malaysian households from the famously high debt levels of US households at this point?
The chart sets out the household debt-to-GDP ratio for the US from 1952 to 2011. Note that the 2010 household debt-to-GDP ratio for Malaysia stood at 76%, approximating US household debt-to-GDP levels in mid-2002, when the housing bubble in the US began unfolding.
It would therefore be prudent that BNM quickly install measures to head off an involuntary deleveraging process that would accompany any subsequent bursting of an asset bubble (e.g. requiring banks to test repayment means using net, not gross, income as is usually done).
That the current US household debt-to-GDP ratio of 88.6% is still an unsustainable level is best indicated by the still ongoing nature of the US household debt deleveraging process.
In our opinion, the comfortable aggregate household debt to financial assets ratio at 238% for Malaysia is an unreliable buffer because currently high asset prices (e.g. unit trust prices) may also rapidly deflate in a deflationary environment that typically accompanies the onset of any deleveraging process.
Also, such aggregate data masks the true extent of the pervasiveness of over-extended households where income disparity is very wide (a small number of extremely wealthy households with no leverage in combination with a large number of over-extended households will result in a comfortable aggregate ratio still).
Anecdotal evidence hints that this may be increasingly the case. In a systemic crisis, it will be the number of households in the weakest financial position at the margin which determines the incidence of inability to meet financial obligations.
While the precise timing of peak conditions in the property market is as always unclear, we see clear implications from the tailing-off of the credit impetus to the housing market.
The large-scale township development model is clearly behind us. The lack of large plots of undeveloped land in the proximity of mature urban areas means developers must realistically focus on smaller developments, thus robbing property developers of some economies of scale.
The strategic response has been to move upmarket, into “niche product”, higher-margin developments.
In order to justify higher prices, product innovations such as gated communities, “landed strata” communities, SOHO (and variant) residential developments with commercial possibilities, and inner-city high-rise developments have been explored.
First-mover advantage can be quickly lost, so innovations such as these have been followed up by rapid-fire launches across a number of locations.
To maintain the earnings momentum, the gross development values (GDVs) at property developers have had to be quickly built up. To ease the process, these developers have also increasingly turned to commercial developments that involve higher GDVs, but which are more vulnerable to soft patches in the economy.
This is of particular concern as our view is that in a “new normal” world economic order, business cycles will be of a shorter duration.
A clear consequence is the spring/summer soft patch in the US and developed economies that has already weighed on property prices in export-dependent Penang.
Valuing property companies will become measurably more difficult in 2012 as new accounting standards in accordance with IC Interpretation 15 of FRS118 are to be observed in respect of income recognition beginning from 2012.
The present method of first estimating the total development profits and then progressively matching the estimated profits with the percentage of completion is thought to be unreliable, as the risk of failure to carry construction to completion will go unrecognised and project cost overruns may not be reckoned with until the completion, skewing reported quarterly earnings away from reality.
As a strategy, we have deliberately focused our attention on property companies with a small current base of ongoing projects measured by their GDV but which have a strong pipeline of relatively affordable properties, particularly in the Klang Valley.
Considering the following:
1) The interest rate cycle has clearly bottomed and is on the upswing in the face
of inflationary pressures;
2) Beating means test constraints through lengthening repayment periods has reached a practical limit with the latest 40-year loans;
3) Demand from investors is being choked off by restricted access to high LTV loans for second and subsequent home purchases;
4) The price dynamics have turned less friendly and may turn unfriendly in several major states; and
5) The ratio of the price of a representative house to the nominal per capita income has reached 1996 (eve of Asian crisis) levels and Malaysian consumer debt levels are unsustainable.
Our preferred approach to stock-picking in the property sector is to focus on companies with projects involving ongoing GDV of less than RM1 billion. These tend to be lower capitalisation stocks but those which we eye as candidates for promotion into the big league.
The drawback is, with a smaller even if growing pipeline of projects, these companies will report a more volatile stream of earnings when income recognition becomes restricted to the completion stage beginning 2012.
We have also become more wary of property developers with a high exposure to the shop unit, shopping complex and purpose-built office properties segment in Putrajaya, Kuala Lumpur, Selangor and Johor.
There is anecdotal evidence that the surge in launches in this property segment was to an extent made possible by the loosening of bank credit standards. In the past, drawdowns of bridging loans were, as a rule of thumb, subject to projects exceeding the 60% sold mark.
This has apparently been lowered to 40% in many instances, raising risk levels for banks and also for developers.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, August 15, 2011.
Sunday, August 14, 2011
大危機 歐盟五百萬年輕人失業
Friday, August 12, 2011
- 作者簡介_邁克爾‧曼德爾巴姆 [ 隱藏 ]邁克爾‧曼德爾巴姆(Michael Mandelbaum),約翰霍普金斯大學高級國際研究外交政策專家,與湯瑪斯‧弗里曼合著有即將出版的新書《曾經---美國是如何落後於自己扶持起的世界以及美國如何重新崛起(That Used To Be Us: How America Fell Behind in the World It Invented and How We Can Come Back.)》
Thursday, August 11, 2011
KNM downgraded on reduced earnings and PER forecasts
KNM Group Bhd
(Aug 9, RM1.51)
Downgrade to reduce at RM1.58 with revised target price of RM1.32 (from RM2.21): We are downgrading KNM to a “reduce” (from “buy”) with a lower target price (TP) of RM1.32 (from RM2.21) following our 3% to 36% cut in FY11 to FY13 earnings, coupled with a reduced CY12 target price-earnings ratio (PER) of eight times (from 13 times). The sharp 36%/3%/3% cuts in FY11/FY12/FY13 earnings forecasts are mainly due to our expectation of further delay in the commencement of KNM’s RM2.2 billion Peterborough Energy Park engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) work. As the project has yet to reach the financial close at this juncture, we now expect the EPC work to commence in CY12.
We have lowered our target PER for KNM from 13 times CY12 earnings to eight times in view of higher company risk premium and possible earnings/contracts disappointments. We think the street may be overly optimistic on KNM’s FY11 pre-tax profit forecast of RM120 million (70% above Affin’s forecast). KNM has reported RM6 million to RM7 million of quarterly pre-tax profit for the last two quarters and we do not expect a drastic improvement in 2QCY11 as the group is likely to continue billing on its older, lower margin contracts because:
(i) The delay in commencement of Peterborough EPC work is a disappointment. To recap, the Peterborough EPC contract was awarded by Peterborough Renewable Energy Ltd, controlled by a group of local businessmen, in December 2010 to construct a £450 million (RM2.2 billion) energy park. While we remain optimistic and expect the project to commence in FY12, any further delay in financial close will be detrimental to KNM’s share price;
(ii) Possible disappointment in concluding the RM17 billion Gulf Asian Petroleum (GAP) contract. GAP is still in the preliminary project planning stage and it has yet to complete the front-end engineering and design (FEED) study and has not secured the project financing nor entered into any supply and offtake agreements; and (iii) In view of the rising global stock market volatility and economic uncertainties, investors may shun KNM and switch into more defensive stocks, or other oil and gas companies with better earnings visibility.
We are not optimistic on KNM’s immediate term share price outlook in view of these concerns, but we think the group’s strong order book of RM5.5 billion and steep share price correction (-44% year-to-date) will help to limit the downside to around our TP of RM1.32. Earnings disappointment and downgrade in street forecast is a key de-rating catalyst. Note that our revised FY11/FY12 forecasts are 46% and 27% below street. — Affin IB Research, Aug 9
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, August 10, 2011.
CIMB Research has Sell on Masterskill
Wednesday, 10 August 2011 08:45
KUALA LUMPUR: CIMB Equities Research has a technical Sell on Masterskill Education Group Bhd (MEGB) at RM1.69 at which is its trading at a FY12 price-to-earnings of 5.0 times and price-to-book value of 1.3 times.
It said on Wednesday, Aug 10 that trading has been lethargic since prices violated its triangle support. With the candles still trading below all its key moving averages, it doubted any rebound would be sustainable.
“Hence, our strategy here is to unload on strength, preferably near the RM1.80-RM1.82 resistances,” it said.
CIMB Research said the indicators were still showing signs of consolidation. MACD has slipped into the negative territory while RSI is oversold.
“Unless prices swing back above its 30-day SMA now at RM1.93, we think the bears have the upper hand here. On the downside, support is seen at RM1.59 and RM1.45,” it said.
EPF sells 30m YTL Power shares
Thursday, 11 August 2011 11:55
KUALA LUMPUR: The Employees Provident Fund (EPF), the second largest shareholder of YTL POWER INTERNATIONAL BHD [], disposed of 30.13 million shares from June 30 up to Aug 4.
Filings with Bursa Malaysia showed the EPF’s stake was reduced to 729.17 million shares or 10.09% from 759.31 million units or 10.51%. The 30.13 million shares accounted for 0.42%. The share price was trading from RM2.20 to RM1.97 as at Aug 4.
The largest shareholder is YTL Corp with 44.98% or 3.275 billion shares.
Maybank Investment Research said YTL Power was likely to record better than expected 4QFY11 results on reduced fuel cost at PowerSeraya.
“But, with dividends curtailed by its Indonesian expansion plans, widening losses at YES and potential reduction in tariffs at the Paka & Pasir Gudang IPP, its appeal as a high dividend yielding stock is waning. Downgrade to Hold with a reduced TP of RM2.10,” it said in a report on Aug 4.
The research house said it came to understand that the RM681 million cash raised from the 15% stake sale in PT Jawa Power will likely go towards bidding for a 1,000MW coal fired IPP in Indonesia.
“Also, YES is recording average revenue per user (ARPUs) of only RM30, the minimum monthly charge (versus our FY12 assumption of RM49) despite up-selling efforts. With a RM500 million cost base for YES, YTL Power is likely to conserve cash,” it said.
Maybank Research said the government’s recently set-up MyPower Corp to review existing power purchase agreements (PPA) is evidence that it is serious about reducing IPP tariffs albeit in exchange for concession extensions.
“We estimate that Paka and Pasir Gudang IPP generate some RM400m in free cash flows (FCF) per annum and easily contributes half of YTLP’s dividends. With this FCF source under threat, YTLP is again likely to conserve cash,” it said.
The research house said it maintained its earnings estimates pending 4QFY11 results but slashed its yearly dividend per share forecast from 13.1 sen to 9.4 sen.
股災五大教戰守則 - 商業周刊
至於原先全球眾所期盼依賴的中國,近來由於當局緊縮銀根,打壓房市,勞工意識抬頭,業主成本墊高,中小企業瀕臨倒閉潮,股市房市也低迷許久,尚無起色,這是第三支架滑倒; 龐大經濟體的日本, 自從大地震、海嘯後,執政黨政權脆弱之外,迄今竟然也束手無策,這是另外的第四支架疲乏!
因為:一、全球資金並未出現流動性不足的問題;二、有些問題存在已久,許多市場的抗體已具免疫力;三、在最恐慌時,保守資金與投機性資金都會大量撤出,瞬間影響各種商品劇烈波動,然而,這僅是短暫的現象;四、等到事情稍微穩定之後,被過度拋售及賤賣的有價值商品,一定會在短期間又快速彈升到合理價位 。
一、如果原先持股比重不高的人,單筆申購及定期定額還是要持續動作,只有危機出現才有超低的價格讓你便宜買進;二、持股滿檔的人,必須快速檢視部位內容,是否過度集中在風險高的區域或族群,如果是的話,馬上要做調整及調降;三、平時如果做好動態調整組合內容, 股市、債市、現金至少區隔三等分,上下誤差不大的話,則沒有啥好恐慌的;四、面臨景氣可能再度低迷的疑慮,適度拉高現金比重,以防不時之需是有必要的動作;五、除非第一天不管賺賠就馬上出場,不然先冷靜一下,別急著做決策, 觀察幾天再出手也不遲 ,先跑的人,不一定先贏。
世界二次衰退的可能? - 商業周刊
把資金貸放出去的投資銀行們,需要資金來投資其他商品,以賺取更大利潤,於是開始動腦筋,研究出了新型衍生性金融商品-「債務抵押債券」(Collateralized Debt Obligation,CDO),把這些次級貸款者的債權,包裝起來賣給了其他投資人與某些基金,換成了現金,連風險都給大家一起承擔。
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Tuesday, August 9, 2011

然后你再翻开ASAS 2010年的年报第88页,该公司在去年12月31日时所拥有1446英亩地皮,大部份是在1994至2000年之间陆续买进的,多数坐落在北海、大山脚、高渊、爪夷、双溪巴甲和新邦安拔一带。
该公司今年首季每股净赚3.41仙,如果接下来的3季能保持此赚率的话,则全年净利将增至13.64仙(3.41仙x4 =13.64仙),以1.08令吉的股价计算,本益比将降至7.9倍。
4.已卖出屋子,但未收到款有多少?(Unbill Sale)。
大家要贴身跟踪上市公司的进展,以作出更新的评估,例如Ivory最近标得槟城的102.7英亩地点极佳的地皮,阿马证券(Am Research)7月26日的研究报告中,说该公司这段新地皮,发展价值可能高达100亿令吉,该公司每股重估后的资产价值高达4令吉,去年每股净赚 22.25仙,今年将增至26.1仙,已卖出但未收款的销售额(Unbill Sale)3亿2000万令吉,因此该报告认为Ivory的公平价格为2令吉40仙。
另一个例子是成隆机构(DIJAYA CORP)一改过去“以守为攻”的政策,采取“以攻为守”的新策略,积极收购地皮,大力发展业务,前景看好。
假如你细读年报中的“产业名单”(List of Properties)的话,你会发现,许多地皮是在一、二十年前买进的,买价低得离谱,十多二十年来,地价已不知翻了多少番,目前的价格,肯定比“账面价值”高数倍,甚至数十倍。
5月7日,我曾在本专栏发表一篇“3000令吉可买多少地?”的文章,那是我偶尔重读柏年(Brem)的年报,有感而作的,17年前,柏年以 3000令吉,在巴生的武吉拉惹买进4.7英亩的永久权土地,收藏到现在,价值恐怕已上升了数十倍,但在该公司的年报中,这4.7英亩地皮的价值还是 3000令吉,其价值被低估的程度可想而知。
这些在十多二十年前买进的地皮,价值已不知涨了多少倍,但在公司的账目中,十多二十年来,每年仍保持买进时的价值,这个价值,称为“账面价值”(Book Value),以区别于“重估价值”。
最近美合实业(Merge Housing)和侨丰产业(OSK Properties)的大股东分别以每股65仙和87仙全面献购小股东的股票,假如你阅读两公司的财报的话,你会发现,美合和侨丰的每股净有形资产价值分别为1令吉11仙和1令吉74仙,比献购价几乎高一倍,不要忘记这还是“账面价值”。
全球股慌 · 专家:克服羊群心态 趁高售金趁低买股
券商下修投資評級 科恩馬溢價風險增
“我們也調低2011至2013財年盈利預估,單是2011財年已砍36%,主要是去年底獲頒的英國彼得伯勒能源公園(Peterborough Energy Park)設計、 採購和施工(EPC)合約,料延期動工。”
另外,科恩馬上月底與海灣亞洲石油(Gulf Asian Petroleum)簽署暫定工程協議,最終或令人失望。
外拓或致现金吃紧 杨忠礼能源评级遭下修
肯纳格证券研究今日透过分析报告指出,该公司短期内将大规模扩张海外业务,尤其近来有关策略伙伴日本丸红株式会社(Marubeni Corp),投资印尼能源计划消息愈发火热,前者料能分一杯羹。
“很有可能将拖低未来2年股息回酬及派发率,虽说新加坡Power Seraya电力公司仍是推动公司成长主要贡献,但我们认为,2011财年连续两季减少派息,已暗示正为末来扩张做准备。”
Friday, August 5, 2011
CMMT gains on good earnings
The REIT completed the acquisition of Gurney Plaza Extension in Penang at end-March 2011. This enlarged its portfolio of net lettable area (NLA) under management to just over two million sq ft. Total investment properties increased to RM2.43 billion as at end-June 2011 — including RM54.2 million in property fair value gains this year — up by more than 14% from RM2.13 billion when it was listed just over a year ago.
CMMT is in the process of acquiring the East Coast Mall in Kuantan, Pahang, for a total cost of about RM330 million. The purchase will further expand the NLA under management to 2.46 million sq ft and total investment properties to RM2.76 billion. To finance the purchase, CMMT will issue up to 299 million new units.
This latest move will reaffirm the trust’s strategic positioning in the retail mall segment, extending its presence to four key urban centres — Kuala Lumpur, Penang, Selangor and Kuantan. The acquisition is slated for completion by 4Q11 and will start to contribute to earnings in 2012.
For the first six months of 2011, CMMT reported distributable income totalling RM55.9 million — excluding some RM51.3 million in unrealised fair value gains on investment properties and adjustments for manager’s management fee payable in units — on the back of total revenue of RM109.9 million.
Perhaps more importantly, all three of CMMT’s shopping malls — the enlarged Gurney Plaza, Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur and The Mines in Selangor — enjoyed positive rent reversion on leases renewed so far this year. Rental increases for the first year under the new leases range from 5.1% to 8%, with an average of 6.6% for its portfolio of assets. Occupancy also inched higher to an average of 99.1% as at end-June 2011, up from 98.7% at end-March 2011.
A second interim income distribution of 2.16 sen per unit raised the total distribution for 1H11 to 3.9 sen. At this pace, the trust is well on track to meet its forecast income distribution of 7.46 sen per unit for 2011.
In fact, based on its 100% payout commitment, total income distribution for the year may well be higher. This is likely, at least in part, the reason its unit price has spiked over the past two months from RM1.16 in early June to the current RM1.32. As a result of the recent price gains, yield (based on CMMT’s forecast 7.46 sen unit distribution) has narrowed to just 5.7%.
Quill Capita keeping existing portfolio intact
Quill Capita Trust, on the other hand, has not been as active in terms of expanding its portfolio of assets.
The real estate investment trust’s last acquisition was made way back in late-2008. Since then, the total number of properties has remained at 10, up from four at the listing date in January 2007, with some 1.29 million sq ft of NLA under management. While the manager is on the lookout for potential yield accretive acquisition opportunities, no imminent new purchases have been announced so far.
Nevertheless, Quill Capita does offer investors comparatively good yields on fairly low risks. Gearing has declined slightly to 36% as at end-June 2011, compared with just over 37% from a year ago, while its cost of debt has been steady at roughly 4.45% over the past four quarters. Almost all of the trust’s borrowings carry fixed interest rates.
Quill Capita reported a good set of earnings results for 2Q11. Net income rose 10.5% y-o-y to RM9.17 million on the back of a 1.5% increase in revenue to RM17.61 million. The better margin was attributed to lower property operating expenses.
For the first six months of the year, revenue was up 1.7% to RM35.1 million from the previous corresponding period, thanks to higher rental for some properties. Net income expanded by 6.8% y-o-y to RM16.9 million over the same period. As a result, the trust has raised its income distribution at the interim period to four sen per unit, from 3.85 sen per unit in 1H10.
On the back of the relatively good 1H11 earnings, we forecast higher income for distribution for the full year, estimated at 8.22 sen per unit, up from 8.03 sen per unit last year. This would translate into a fairly attractive yield of 7.5% at the current price.
It should also be noted that Quill Capita is one of the few REITs currently trading well below net asset value (NAV), which stood at RM1.28 at end-June. By comparison, CMMT is trading at 1.24 times its NAV of RM1.06 per unit.
Note: This report is brought to you by Asia Analytica Sdn Bhd, a licensed investment adviser. Please exercise your own judgment or seek professional advice for your specific investment needs. We are not responsible for your investment decisions. Our shareholders, directors and employees may have positions in any of the stocks mentioned.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, August 5, 2011.