The controlling block of shares attracts at least two parties
PETALING JAYA: A controlling block of shares in Masterskill Education Group Bhd may be up for sale with at least two parties said to be interested.
Sources said the block of shares up for sale could come from existing major shareholders who are interested in having a strong, strategic partner come into Masterskill.
Among the interested parties are said to be a government-linked fund, which has a presence in healthcare and would like to extend the education aspect of that sector. Another party is said to be large education group.
The top substantial shareholders of Masterskill are founder Datuk Seri Edmund Santhara with 22.1%, private equity firm Crescent Point with 21.5% and Siva Kumar Jeyapalan with a 10% stake.
Endless woes: Masterskill is facing low student enrolment arising from the higher nursing minimum entry requirements
Heavy trading volume was seen recently after the emergence of Siva as a substantial shareholder of the education group, following his acquisition of 41.2 million shares, or a 10.05% stake on Oct 5.
When contacted, Siva downplayed any likelihood of a sale and only said he would consider to exit the group if the price offered is comfortable for him.
“I acquired the shares from the open market and I believe in the business and the opportunities it present, which is worth more than what it is trading at right now,” he said.
He also expressed his disappointment at the group's recently announced quarterly results.
“To be very blunt, I am not happy with the results. The board needs to buck up and I have made known my concerns to the board,” he said.
Masterskill's third quarter ended Sept 30, 2011 saw its net profit plunging by a significant 78% year-on-year to RM5.5mil from RM26.18mil. Revenue shrank by 24% to RM61.2mil. It stated that part of the reasons for the declining numbers was weak student intakes.
Masterskill has been faced with low student enrolment arising from the higher nursing minimum entry requirements, coupled with a shift in industry trend whereby fewer students are pursuing diploma courses in private education institutions.
There seems to be no end to Masterskill's woes as the group was dealt with another setback when the National Higher Education Fund proposed to reduce loans for students studying at high educational institutions.
Before Masterskill was listed, Siva was the founding member of the group before he sold his stake to Crescent Point back in 2006.
Meanwhile, Edmund could not be reached for comment.
The stock has fallen sharply from its IPO price of RM3.80 in May last year, and reached an all-time low of RM1.06 on Oct 3.
The counter is currently trading near its all-time low at RM1.09 and at a price to earnings ratio of only 5.79 times.
It was speculated last year that Crescent Point was looking to sell their stake in Masterskill in a deal that could fetch more than US$200mil.
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Now you and I can also be an independent power producer
Households as clean, sustainable electricity producers?
In the mid-1990s, there were only “big” boys in electricity generation such as YTL Corp, Genting Sanyen and Malakoff. They were popularly known as Independent Power producers' or IPPs and were looked upon with envy as it was alleged that they were making big bucks because of relatively high rates they received from TNB.
Fast forward 15 years. Now you and I can also be an IPP (the term “clean and sustainable electricity producer” is preferred) albeit a very much smaller one but with a difference.
Any owner of a link, semi-detached or bungalow house can now be, subject to approval, a small clean and sustainable energy producer by generating green electricity (as opposed to fossil-fuelled electricity by the big IPPs) and distribution licensee (such as TNB) is obliged to purchase it. What all this means is that if you have a solar photovoltaic (PV) generator at home, you can apply to connect this generator to the grid, and get paid for selling the electricity generated to TNB over the next 21 years.
Solar energy is clean, environmentally friendly and has zero emissions. There is no depletion of natural resources and it is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world.
And yes the rates are very attractive for generating electricity using solar photovoltaic (PV) technology; it is about four times the normal domestic TNB electricity rates (at RM0.40 per kWh). All you have to do is simply to apply and obtain a feed-in approval from the newly-established Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (Seda Malaysia), sign a renewable energy power purchase agreement (REPPA) with TNB and install the solar PV system on your rooftop.
On the average, the bungalow is able to produce about 1,000 kWh of electricity per month (based on 10kW installed PV capacity). Given this, the owner may earn about RM1,200 per month (based on FiT rate RM1.20 per kWh if the PV system is commissioned by 2012) and recoup his investment within eight to nine years. The earnings may be even higher if the house owner meets other bonus criteria such as installing as a building-integrated PV system. The current cost of 1 kW solar PV system ranges from RM12,000 to RM14,000.
The interesting thing is that for your average household needs, you purchase the electricity from TNB at between RM0.33 to 42.6 per kWh but when you produce the clean electricity, you can sell it at between RM1.20 to RM1.70 per kWh depending on the installed capacity and the qualifying bonus criteria for solar PV.
The longer the sun shines, the more one can “export” electricity to the national grid during daylight hours (when power is urgently needed) and earn income. The downside and risk is that during cloudy days, the income can be reduced significantly when the sun is not shining. If you apply now, you can lock in these premium rates for the next 21 years!
Unlike the huge IPPs which use natural gas or coal as feedstock to generate electricity, the household does not need to pay for any raw material or fuel because sunshine is free. For as long as the sun is shining, the solar PV panels will generate electricity. Another advantage of solar power is that no extra space is required because the panels can be installed on the rooftop. (Suddenly rooftops have income potential. Many factory owners are now contemplating installing solar PV panels on their rooftop to earn extra revenue while others are approaching factory owners to rent them their roofs.)
On Dec 1 2011, Seda Malaysia invited the public including households, small and not-so-big IPPs (maximum size is 30 MW but only 5 MWp rated capacity for solar PV) to apply and book the amount of green electricity they intended to produce to sell it to the distribution licensee. There are fixed quotas for each of the four renewable energy sources namely biomass (including solid waste), biogas (including landfill), small hydro and solar PV. There was overwhelming response to solar PV especially for the non-individuals.
The good news is that bookings are still open for individuals and households intending to install solar PV systems as there is still available capacity for this category. As at Dec 7, Seda reported that the total unfulfilled quota for solar PV is 6,650 kW; 1,650 kW to be commissioned by the first half 2013, 2500 kW each for second half of 2013 and first half of 2014.
Translating these figures into households, it would mean that about 665 bungalow owners can avail themselves to the remaining capacity (assuming their average capacity is 10 kW). If all of the remaining capacity is taken up by semi-detached owners, the number will increase to 1,330 assuming their installed PV capacity is 5 kW. The figure for typical link houses, assuming an installed capacity of 3 kW, is 2,217 households.
The price guarantee for 21 years has been made possible by the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme implemented by Seda Malaysia. This scheme will be financed by the newly-established Renewable Energy (RE) Fund, to which all electricity users (except for those domestic customers consuming less than 300 kWh per month) will be required to contribute an additional 1% of their electricity bill.
House-owners who do not participate in solar PV electricity generation should not begrudge the payment of the additional 1%. Instead they should view it as one of their contributions to a cleaner and healthier environment. This is their social contribution for cleaner air. The public and community must also share in undertaking this heavy responsibility with the Government.
Dr Pola Singh is a board member of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Seda), Malaysia. The views expressed are his own. The public can apply for the feed-in approval via and more information can be obtained from Seda's official portal at
In the mid-1990s, there were only “big” boys in electricity generation such as YTL Corp, Genting Sanyen and Malakoff. They were popularly known as Independent Power producers' or IPPs and were looked upon with envy as it was alleged that they were making big bucks because of relatively high rates they received from TNB.
Fast forward 15 years. Now you and I can also be an IPP (the term “clean and sustainable electricity producer” is preferred) albeit a very much smaller one but with a difference.
Any owner of a link, semi-detached or bungalow house can now be, subject to approval, a small clean and sustainable energy producer by generating green electricity (as opposed to fossil-fuelled electricity by the big IPPs) and distribution licensee (such as TNB) is obliged to purchase it. What all this means is that if you have a solar photovoltaic (PV) generator at home, you can apply to connect this generator to the grid, and get paid for selling the electricity generated to TNB over the next 21 years.
Solar energy is clean, environmentally friendly and has zero emissions. There is no depletion of natural resources and it is one of the fastest growing energy sources in the world.
And yes the rates are very attractive for generating electricity using solar photovoltaic (PV) technology; it is about four times the normal domestic TNB electricity rates (at RM0.40 per kWh). All you have to do is simply to apply and obtain a feed-in approval from the newly-established Sustainable Energy Development Authority Malaysia (Seda Malaysia), sign a renewable energy power purchase agreement (REPPA) with TNB and install the solar PV system on your rooftop.
On the average, the bungalow is able to produce about 1,000 kWh of electricity per month (based on 10kW installed PV capacity). Given this, the owner may earn about RM1,200 per month (based on FiT rate RM1.20 per kWh if the PV system is commissioned by 2012) and recoup his investment within eight to nine years. The earnings may be even higher if the house owner meets other bonus criteria such as installing as a building-integrated PV system. The current cost of 1 kW solar PV system ranges from RM12,000 to RM14,000.
The interesting thing is that for your average household needs, you purchase the electricity from TNB at between RM0.33 to 42.6 per kWh but when you produce the clean electricity, you can sell it at between RM1.20 to RM1.70 per kWh depending on the installed capacity and the qualifying bonus criteria for solar PV.
The longer the sun shines, the more one can “export” electricity to the national grid during daylight hours (when power is urgently needed) and earn income. The downside and risk is that during cloudy days, the income can be reduced significantly when the sun is not shining. If you apply now, you can lock in these premium rates for the next 21 years!
Unlike the huge IPPs which use natural gas or coal as feedstock to generate electricity, the household does not need to pay for any raw material or fuel because sunshine is free. For as long as the sun is shining, the solar PV panels will generate electricity. Another advantage of solar power is that no extra space is required because the panels can be installed on the rooftop. (Suddenly rooftops have income potential. Many factory owners are now contemplating installing solar PV panels on their rooftop to earn extra revenue while others are approaching factory owners to rent them their roofs.)
On Dec 1 2011, Seda Malaysia invited the public including households, small and not-so-big IPPs (maximum size is 30 MW but only 5 MWp rated capacity for solar PV) to apply and book the amount of green electricity they intended to produce to sell it to the distribution licensee. There are fixed quotas for each of the four renewable energy sources namely biomass (including solid waste), biogas (including landfill), small hydro and solar PV. There was overwhelming response to solar PV especially for the non-individuals.
The good news is that bookings are still open for individuals and households intending to install solar PV systems as there is still available capacity for this category. As at Dec 7, Seda reported that the total unfulfilled quota for solar PV is 6,650 kW; 1,650 kW to be commissioned by the first half 2013, 2500 kW each for second half of 2013 and first half of 2014.
Translating these figures into households, it would mean that about 665 bungalow owners can avail themselves to the remaining capacity (assuming their average capacity is 10 kW). If all of the remaining capacity is taken up by semi-detached owners, the number will increase to 1,330 assuming their installed PV capacity is 5 kW. The figure for typical link houses, assuming an installed capacity of 3 kW, is 2,217 households.
The price guarantee for 21 years has been made possible by the Feed-in Tariff (FiT) scheme implemented by Seda Malaysia. This scheme will be financed by the newly-established Renewable Energy (RE) Fund, to which all electricity users (except for those domestic customers consuming less than 300 kWh per month) will be required to contribute an additional 1% of their electricity bill.
House-owners who do not participate in solar PV electricity generation should not begrudge the payment of the additional 1%. Instead they should view it as one of their contributions to a cleaner and healthier environment. This is their social contribution for cleaner air. The public and community must also share in undertaking this heavy responsibility with the Government.
Dr Pola Singh is a board member of the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (Seda), Malaysia. The views expressed are his own. The public can apply for the feed-in approval via and more information can be obtained from Seda's official portal at
Monday, December 12, 2011
Dec 9th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
1. 开电脑,进入。
2. 点击Listed Companies。
3. 点击Prospectus。
4. 点击By Company。
5. 点击R,找出Rimbunan Sawit Berhad。
6. 点击及下载26/09/2011发表的附加股说明书(Abridged Prospectus);详读这份178页的说明书,这是了解常青油棕和大马油棕业的最有用资料。
7. 请特别注意说明书第5.32页(在第13页)“该集团的展望及将来的计划”(Prospects and future plans of our group),你可
8. 常青油棕最近完成发附加股和红股,11月21日发表的到9月30日为止的第三季季报,来不及反映发红股和附加股后的情况,所以我建议不要过份重视第三季季报,而以《附加股说明书》的资料为评估根据。
The Edge报道常青油棕将成为常青集团的油棕业旗舰公司,是否如此,你可以在《附加股说明书》第5.3项中找到答案。
1. 开电脑,进入。
2. 点击Listed Companies。
3. 点击Prospectus。
4. 点击By Company。
5. 点击R,找出Rimbunan Sawit Berhad。
6. 点击及下载26/09/2011发表的附加股说明书(Abridged Prospectus);详读这份178页的说明书,这是了解常青油棕和大马油棕业的最有用资料。
7. 请特别注意说明书第5.32页(在第13页)“该集团的展望及将来的计划”(Prospects and future plans of our group),你可
8. 常青油棕最近完成发附加股和红股,11月21日发表的到9月30日为止的第三季季报,来不及反映发红股和附加股后的情况,所以我建议不要过份重视第三季季报,而以《附加股说明书》的资料为评估根据。
The Edge报道常青油棕将成为常青集团的油棕业旗舰公司,是否如此,你可以在《附加股说明书》第5.3项中找到答案。
大馬財經 財經焦點 2011-12-12 18:30
Rights issues by REITs a tough sell?
Written by Chua Sue-Ann
Monday, 12 December 2011 11:26
KUALA LUMPUR: It remains to see whether investors will warm up to recent proposals by Malaysian real estate investment trusts (REITs) to embark on rights issues for fundraising.
This comes as Hektar REIT and AmFirst REIT separately proposed rights issues in recent months. The former is doing so to fund new asset acquisition while the latter is seeking to reduce its bank borrowings. CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMT) also recently told The Edge Financial Daily that it is considering a rights issue to raise fresh capital.
Analysts and market observers said it is generally undesirable for REITs to embark on rights issues as investors expect dividends from REITs instead of having to plough in more capital.
“Effectively, they are asking investors to spend more on their stock in these uncertain market conditions,” said a property analyst.
However, judging from the price performance of both Hektar REIT and AmFirst REIT, investors have not reacted negatively to the news. This, surprisingly, is in contrast to investors’ harsh treatment of Singapore-listed REITs that embarked on rights issues.
According to analysts, the reason why Malaysian REITs are now turning to rights issues to raise funds, instead of the usual way of borrowing or unit placement, could be because their gearing is already near the 50% threshold (of total asset value) permitted for a REIT to borrow, or that the capital they seek to raise is larger than what can be achieved with a placement exercise.
In Hektar REIT’s case, its gearing ratio is 43.4%, just below the 50% limit, based on its total debt of RM347 million and total assets of RM799.47 million as at Sept 30. AmFirst’s REIT’s gearing as at Sept 30 was 39.8% based on total borrowings of RM419.6 million and total assets of RM1.053 billion.
On Dec 8, Hektar REIT proposed a renounceable rights issue to raise gross proceeds of about RM98.4 million. Proceeds from the rights issue will be used to partially fund the acquisition of two shopping malls in Kedah for RM181 million cash.
Hektar REIT added that it would also obtain bank borrowings of up to RM87.1 million to purchase the assets. Note that it held cash and cash equivalents of RM21.3 million as at Sept 30.
The REIT has yet to finalise the actual number of rights units and entitlement basis will be determined later based on the final issue price of the rights unit.
Hektar REIT added that it will procure a written irrevocable undertaking from its substantial unitholders to fully subscribe for their entitlements, failing which underwriting arrangements would be made.
AmFirst REIT’s proposed rights issue, set on a three-for-five basis, is expected to raise gross proceeds of about RM218.8 million, based on an illustrative issue price of 85 sen per unit. The proceeds are to be used to pare down borrowings.
CapitalMalls Malaysia Trust, which also manages
The Mines shopping mall, recently said it is also
considering a rights issue to raise fresh capital.
AmFirst said the rights unit issue price is expected to be fixed at a discount of no more than 20% to the theoretical ex-rights price of the unit. “The discount on the issue price of the rights unit is intended to reward unitholders for their continuous support of the fund,” AmFirst said.
Thus far, investors have not reacted negatively to the REITs proposal to conduct rights issues. The unit prices of both Hektar REIT and AmFirst REIT are still traded near their peaks.
“It could be because the unit prices are currently near historical highs, and more interestingly, at the current high prices they still offer rather good yields as well [Hektar REIT at 7.6% and AmFirst at 8.6% historical yield], so unitholders are happy,” said a market observer.
Other than that, he explained that there is still strong demand for REITS in times of market volatility, especially among institutional shareholders.
“Pavilion REIT has gained 13.6% since last week’s IPO to RM1, and the yield is now only 5.7%. So, the management of REITs thought maybe a rights issue is a good idea,” he said.
The scenario is different in Singapore.
K-REIT Asia, a unit of the Keppel Land group, saw its unit priced plunge 9.7% to S$0.857 sen on Oct 18 after it announced plans to raise S$976.3 million (RM2.4 billion) through a 17-for-20 rights issue. Most of the funds raised by the REIT will be used to buy a 87.5% stake in Ocean Financial Centre (OFC) from its parent Keppel Land Ltd.
It was reported that investors didn’t like the pricing for the OFC deal, and the fact that it was a related party deal. It wasn’t entirely because K-REIT Asia had proposed to acquire it via rights issue funding.
“At the end of the day, REIT managements have to justify why they have to do a rights issue to ask for more money from the unitholders. While institutional shareholders are okay with a rights issue, it could be a turn-off for minority shareholders,” said a market observer.
Monday, 12 December 2011 11:26
KUALA LUMPUR: It remains to see whether investors will warm up to recent proposals by Malaysian real estate investment trusts (REITs) to embark on rights issues for fundraising.
This comes as Hektar REIT and AmFirst REIT separately proposed rights issues in recent months. The former is doing so to fund new asset acquisition while the latter is seeking to reduce its bank borrowings. CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust (CMT) also recently told The Edge Financial Daily that it is considering a rights issue to raise fresh capital.
Analysts and market observers said it is generally undesirable for REITs to embark on rights issues as investors expect dividends from REITs instead of having to plough in more capital.
“Effectively, they are asking investors to spend more on their stock in these uncertain market conditions,” said a property analyst.
However, judging from the price performance of both Hektar REIT and AmFirst REIT, investors have not reacted negatively to the news. This, surprisingly, is in contrast to investors’ harsh treatment of Singapore-listed REITs that embarked on rights issues.
According to analysts, the reason why Malaysian REITs are now turning to rights issues to raise funds, instead of the usual way of borrowing or unit placement, could be because their gearing is already near the 50% threshold (of total asset value) permitted for a REIT to borrow, or that the capital they seek to raise is larger than what can be achieved with a placement exercise.
In Hektar REIT’s case, its gearing ratio is 43.4%, just below the 50% limit, based on its total debt of RM347 million and total assets of RM799.47 million as at Sept 30. AmFirst’s REIT’s gearing as at Sept 30 was 39.8% based on total borrowings of RM419.6 million and total assets of RM1.053 billion.
On Dec 8, Hektar REIT proposed a renounceable rights issue to raise gross proceeds of about RM98.4 million. Proceeds from the rights issue will be used to partially fund the acquisition of two shopping malls in Kedah for RM181 million cash.
Hektar REIT added that it would also obtain bank borrowings of up to RM87.1 million to purchase the assets. Note that it held cash and cash equivalents of RM21.3 million as at Sept 30.
The REIT has yet to finalise the actual number of rights units and entitlement basis will be determined later based on the final issue price of the rights unit.
Hektar REIT added that it will procure a written irrevocable undertaking from its substantial unitholders to fully subscribe for their entitlements, failing which underwriting arrangements would be made.
AmFirst REIT’s proposed rights issue, set on a three-for-five basis, is expected to raise gross proceeds of about RM218.8 million, based on an illustrative issue price of 85 sen per unit. The proceeds are to be used to pare down borrowings.
CapitalMalls Malaysia Trust, which also manages
The Mines shopping mall, recently said it is also
considering a rights issue to raise fresh capital.
AmFirst said the rights unit issue price is expected to be fixed at a discount of no more than 20% to the theoretical ex-rights price of the unit. “The discount on the issue price of the rights unit is intended to reward unitholders for their continuous support of the fund,” AmFirst said.
Thus far, investors have not reacted negatively to the REITs proposal to conduct rights issues. The unit prices of both Hektar REIT and AmFirst REIT are still traded near their peaks.
“It could be because the unit prices are currently near historical highs, and more interestingly, at the current high prices they still offer rather good yields as well [Hektar REIT at 7.6% and AmFirst at 8.6% historical yield], so unitholders are happy,” said a market observer.
Other than that, he explained that there is still strong demand for REITS in times of market volatility, especially among institutional shareholders.
“Pavilion REIT has gained 13.6% since last week’s IPO to RM1, and the yield is now only 5.7%. So, the management of REITs thought maybe a rights issue is a good idea,” he said.
The scenario is different in Singapore.
K-REIT Asia, a unit of the Keppel Land group, saw its unit priced plunge 9.7% to S$0.857 sen on Oct 18 after it announced plans to raise S$976.3 million (RM2.4 billion) through a 17-for-20 rights issue. Most of the funds raised by the REIT will be used to buy a 87.5% stake in Ocean Financial Centre (OFC) from its parent Keppel Land Ltd.
It was reported that investors didn’t like the pricing for the OFC deal, and the fact that it was a related party deal. It wasn’t entirely because K-REIT Asia had proposed to acquire it via rights issue funding.
“At the end of the day, REIT managements have to justify why they have to do a rights issue to ask for more money from the unitholders. While institutional shareholders are okay with a rights issue, it could be a turn-off for minority shareholders,” said a market observer.
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Dec 2nd, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
1. 没猜测的本领
大马上市公司近1000家,在过去一、二十年中,似乎只有区区的3几家{如利高控股(REPCO),华大食品(Hwatai,8478,主板消费产品股),艾力斯(Iris,0010,自动报价股) }有在极短时间内被推高(我不想用“炒高“的字眼,因为没有证据)二、三十倍的纪录,我“猜”中那一只股票会被推高的机会为千份之一,我没有这种猜中的 “眼光”和本领。
2. 不买不了解的股
3. 没赚取暴利的胆识
我没有赚取暴利的胆识,如果我侥幸以10仙买到一只价值20仙的仙股,即使涨到20仙时不卖,到了30仙时肯定抛出,抛出后就不再回头。由30仙到 2令吉的这一段丰厚的利润,我永远赚不到,我有自知之明,所以从不后悔卖得太早。对于那些“月赚一、两千巴仙”的人的眼光,赞叹是有的,更多的是祝福,从来没有“酸葡萄”的感觉,从来没有!
4. 只信事实 不信预测
5. 赚20倍利润股民绝无仅有
6. 年复利回酬15%
7. 陷困公司被救成功巴仙率低
8. 股票投资是马拉松
如果一名股民,只动用他的一小部份资金,例如五十分之一,购买高风险投机股,即使赚了数倍,甚至10倍,也起不了作用。如果他胆大包天,孤注一掷,后果当然是不成功,便成仁。如果他一击中的,就从此金盘洗手的话,我恭喜他,因为他的确赚到了别人“苦追10年”也无法赚到的盈利,如果他尝到甜头,以为 “月赚一、两千巴仙”是轻而易举的事;继续大胆投机,那么,他最终必然在股市消失。股票投资是马拉松,不是短跑可以成功的。
① 开电脑,进入www.BURSA
③ 点击Company Announcements-Historical
④ 点击By Company
⑤ 点击m,找出mo-MODE BHD(创业版ACE)
⑥ 找出该公司2007至2011年的每一个季度的每股净利(EPS),你会发现该公司由2007至2010年,盈利平稳上升,由2011年首季开始,盈利有突破性进展。首季每股净利1.97仙,次季2.34仙,第3季2.46仙,3季已赚6.78仙,是上一年全年1.99仙的3.4倍。(见 10/11/2011发表的第3季季报)。
⑦ 根据第3季季报资产负债表,该公司在今年9月30日时持有现金1814万6000令吉,负债320万4000令吉(其中284万1000令吉为长期负债)。资本为1588万4000令吉。
⑧ 正如其中文公司名称所显示的,该公司是移动电话电讯出版商,跟报纸是印刷出版商的业务性质相似,只不过是该公司以电讯电话为载体,而报纸是以纸上印刷为载体而已。
⑨ 该公司目前的股价为39仙,股友不妨假设该公司第4季的盈利与第3季不相上下,而推算该公司本财务年的全年每股净利有多少,然后算出其预期本益比(PER),再跟创业版其他类似公司(如A MEDIA)的预期本益比相比,以估算该公司股票的合理价格。
1. 没猜测的本领
大马上市公司近1000家,在过去一、二十年中,似乎只有区区的3几家{如利高控股(REPCO),华大食品(Hwatai,8478,主板消费产品股),艾力斯(Iris,0010,自动报价股) }有在极短时间内被推高(我不想用“炒高“的字眼,因为没有证据)二、三十倍的纪录,我“猜”中那一只股票会被推高的机会为千份之一,我没有这种猜中的 “眼光”和本领。
2. 不买不了解的股
3. 没赚取暴利的胆识
我没有赚取暴利的胆识,如果我侥幸以10仙买到一只价值20仙的仙股,即使涨到20仙时不卖,到了30仙时肯定抛出,抛出后就不再回头。由30仙到 2令吉的这一段丰厚的利润,我永远赚不到,我有自知之明,所以从不后悔卖得太早。对于那些“月赚一、两千巴仙”的人的眼光,赞叹是有的,更多的是祝福,从来没有“酸葡萄”的感觉,从来没有!
4. 只信事实 不信预测
5. 赚20倍利润股民绝无仅有
6. 年复利回酬15%
7. 陷困公司被救成功巴仙率低
8. 股票投资是马拉松
如果一名股民,只动用他的一小部份资金,例如五十分之一,购买高风险投机股,即使赚了数倍,甚至10倍,也起不了作用。如果他胆大包天,孤注一掷,后果当然是不成功,便成仁。如果他一击中的,就从此金盘洗手的话,我恭喜他,因为他的确赚到了别人“苦追10年”也无法赚到的盈利,如果他尝到甜头,以为 “月赚一、两千巴仙”是轻而易举的事;继续大胆投机,那么,他最终必然在股市消失。股票投资是马拉松,不是短跑可以成功的。
① 开电脑,进入www.BURSA
③ 点击Company Announcements-Historical
④ 点击By Company
⑤ 点击m,找出mo-MODE BHD(创业版ACE)
⑥ 找出该公司2007至2011年的每一个季度的每股净利(EPS),你会发现该公司由2007至2010年,盈利平稳上升,由2011年首季开始,盈利有突破性进展。首季每股净利1.97仙,次季2.34仙,第3季2.46仙,3季已赚6.78仙,是上一年全年1.99仙的3.4倍。(见 10/11/2011发表的第3季季报)。
⑦ 根据第3季季报资产负债表,该公司在今年9月30日时持有现金1814万6000令吉,负债320万4000令吉(其中284万1000令吉为长期负债)。资本为1588万4000令吉。
⑧ 正如其中文公司名称所显示的,该公司是移动电话电讯出版商,跟报纸是印刷出版商的业务性质相似,只不过是该公司以电讯电话为载体,而报纸是以纸上印刷为载体而已。
⑨ 该公司目前的股价为39仙,股友不妨假设该公司第4季的盈利与第3季不相上下,而推算该公司本财务年的全年每股净利有多少,然后算出其预期本益比(PER),再跟创业版其他类似公司(如A MEDIA)的预期本益比相比,以估算该公司股票的合理价格。
Nov 25th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
股票 理想投资管道
最大的区别就是现金流(cash flow)。老黄独自拥有他的公司,所以,所赚到的20万令吉,全部归他所有,他有应用这笔资金的绝对权利。他可以从中抽出部分作为生活费,也可以全部投资在公司,以扩大业务。
1. 必须坚守价值投资法,通过股票投资于某种事业,以分享事业成长的成果。
2. 必须勤做功课,研究上市公司,彻底了解所投资企业的实况。
3. 必须长期投资。
4. 必须坚守反向投资策略。
5. 永不投机。
⒈ 怎样以电脑寻找资料
① 开电脑,进入;
② 点击Listed Companies;
③ 点击Annual Reports;
④ 点击By Company;
⑤ 点击P;
⑥ 在P字头公司找Plenitude Berhad,点击;
⑦ 下载2006和2011年年报,详读。
⒉ 从2006年年报第24页和2011年年报的第4页财务摘要(Financial Highlights),你可以读到该公司由2002至2011年10年的业绩纪录,你会发现,该公司过去10年,盈利年年上升。
⒊ 你可以在2011年第98页起,找到该公司的地库详情,你会发现该公司的土地大部分是在10年前买下的,现在肯定已比账面价值高数倍。(尽量找出账面每方尺价值,跟市价相比,找出地库被低估程度)。
⒋ 在2011年年报第43页的Statements of Financial Position,你可以在Current Assets项下,发现该公司手头拥有3亿3481万令吉的现金,完全没有负债,每股拥有净现金1令吉24仙。
股票 理想投资管道
最大的区别就是现金流(cash flow)。老黄独自拥有他的公司,所以,所赚到的20万令吉,全部归他所有,他有应用这笔资金的绝对权利。他可以从中抽出部分作为生活费,也可以全部投资在公司,以扩大业务。
1. 必须坚守价值投资法,通过股票投资于某种事业,以分享事业成长的成果。
2. 必须勤做功课,研究上市公司,彻底了解所投资企业的实况。
3. 必须长期投资。
4. 必须坚守反向投资策略。
5. 永不投机。
⒈ 怎样以电脑寻找资料
① 开电脑,进入;
② 点击Listed Companies;
③ 点击Annual Reports;
④ 点击By Company;
⑤ 点击P;
⑥ 在P字头公司找Plenitude Berhad,点击;
⑦ 下载2006和2011年年报,详读。
⒉ 从2006年年报第24页和2011年年报的第4页财务摘要(Financial Highlights),你可以读到该公司由2002至2011年10年的业绩纪录,你会发现,该公司过去10年,盈利年年上升。
⒊ 你可以在2011年第98页起,找到该公司的地库详情,你会发现该公司的土地大部分是在10年前买下的,现在肯定已比账面价值高数倍。(尽量找出账面每方尺价值,跟市价相比,找出地库被低估程度)。
⒋ 在2011年年报第43页的Statements of Financial Position,你可以在Current Assets项下,发现该公司手头拥有3亿3481万令吉的现金,完全没有负债,每股拥有净现金1令吉24仙。
Wednesday, November 30, 2011
Yeoh expects YTL Comms to turn around
Written by The Edge Financial Daily
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:11
KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Power International Bhd expects its subsidiary YTL Communications Sdn Bhd to turn around within two years, managing director Tan Sri Francis Yeoh told shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting here yesterday.
A 60% subsidiary of YTL Power, YTL Communications launched its YES 4G wireless network in November last year.
“He [Yeoh] told shareholders to be patient and think that YTL Communications will turn around to become an aggressive and profitable company within two years,” said a shareholder at the AGM.
For its 1QFY12 ending Sept 30, YTL Power’s mobile broadband network division posted a loss before tax of RM94.94 million. For its FY11 ending June 30, the division posted a loss before tax of RM280.2 million on the back of RM26.6 million in revenue.
YTL Power’s net profit for FY11 increased by 11.3% to RM1.346 billion from RM1.209 billion a year ago, on the back of a 9.1% increase in revenue to RM14.663 billion from RM13.443 billion a year ago.
Yeoh said YES now has a subscriber base of over 3,000 and YTL Communications will break even when it has one million subscribers, according to the shareholder.
Yeoh told shareholders that YTL Communications will launch an Android smartphone together with an “easy to understand” price plan in January next year. The Android smartphone will be sold at half the price of an iPhone.
However, shareholders at the AGM were disappointed with YTL Power’s dividends for FY11.
YTL Power paid dividends amounting to 9.39 sen for FY11 compared with 13.13 sen for FY10, a reduction of about 29%.
“Francis [Yeoh] said the company paid less dividends compared to last year because it is preserving cash for a huge credit crunch which he [Yeoh] believes will happen in the coming year or two,” said the shareholder.
The shareholder said Yeoh believes this “huge and wild” financial turbulence will last for a year or two.
“Yeoh said he is preparing YTL Power for good growth after the ‘turbulence’ as there will be better opportunities if a company is in a good cash position,” added the shareholder.
As of end-September, YTL Power had cash reserves of RM8.155 billion against borrowings of RM15.644 billion.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 30, 2011.
Wednesday, 30 November 2011 15:11
KUALA LUMPUR: YTL Power International Bhd expects its subsidiary YTL Communications Sdn Bhd to turn around within two years, managing director Tan Sri Francis Yeoh told shareholders at the company’s annual general meeting here yesterday.
A 60% subsidiary of YTL Power, YTL Communications launched its YES 4G wireless network in November last year.
“He [Yeoh] told shareholders to be patient and think that YTL Communications will turn around to become an aggressive and profitable company within two years,” said a shareholder at the AGM.
For its 1QFY12 ending Sept 30, YTL Power’s mobile broadband network division posted a loss before tax of RM94.94 million. For its FY11 ending June 30, the division posted a loss before tax of RM280.2 million on the back of RM26.6 million in revenue.
YTL Power’s net profit for FY11 increased by 11.3% to RM1.346 billion from RM1.209 billion a year ago, on the back of a 9.1% increase in revenue to RM14.663 billion from RM13.443 billion a year ago.
Yeoh said YES now has a subscriber base of over 3,000 and YTL Communications will break even when it has one million subscribers, according to the shareholder.
Yeoh told shareholders that YTL Communications will launch an Android smartphone together with an “easy to understand” price plan in January next year. The Android smartphone will be sold at half the price of an iPhone.
However, shareholders at the AGM were disappointed with YTL Power’s dividends for FY11.
YTL Power paid dividends amounting to 9.39 sen for FY11 compared with 13.13 sen for FY10, a reduction of about 29%.
“Francis [Yeoh] said the company paid less dividends compared to last year because it is preserving cash for a huge credit crunch which he [Yeoh] believes will happen in the coming year or two,” said the shareholder.
The shareholder said Yeoh believes this “huge and wild” financial turbulence will last for a year or two.
“Yeoh said he is preparing YTL Power for good growth after the ‘turbulence’ as there will be better opportunities if a company is in a good cash position,” added the shareholder.
As of end-September, YTL Power had cash reserves of RM8.155 billion against borrowings of RM15.644 billion.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 30, 2011.
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
分享锦集:投资之道 利人利己
Nov 18th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
“作为股东,我们分到红利(股息)、股份(股票)的价值又不断增值, 这才是投资五道,这才是股票投资正道”。
菲马集团(Kumpulan FIMA)
从www.BURSAMALAYSIA.com下载该公司2007-11 5年年报,细读,做笔记。
下载该集团8月18日公布的本财务年第1季报告,你可以看出该集团首季每股净赚9.26仙,注意将在本月底公布的第2季报告,看看能否保持第1季的业绩。首季报告最引人注目的是在“资产负债表(Balance Sheet)的“流动资产”(current assets)项下,现金及银行存款高达2亿5484万令,几乎等于该公司的实收资本2亿6316万令吉。
菲马集团拥有菲马机构(FIMA CORP)的60.82%股权,请下载及详读菲马机构2011年年报,作进一步的了解。
思考重点:THE EDGE曾报道:菲马集团和菲马机构可能合併,以浮显其价值。有这种可能吗?
“作为股东,我们分到红利(股息)、股份(股票)的价值又不断增值, 这才是投资五道,这才是股票投资正道”。
菲马集团(Kumpulan FIMA)
从www.BURSAMALAYSIA.com下载该公司2007-11 5年年报,细读,做笔记。
下载该集团8月18日公布的本财务年第1季报告,你可以看出该集团首季每股净赚9.26仙,注意将在本月底公布的第2季报告,看看能否保持第1季的业绩。首季报告最引人注目的是在“资产负债表(Balance Sheet)的“流动资产”(current assets)项下,现金及银行存款高达2亿5484万令,几乎等于该公司的实收资本2亿6316万令吉。
菲马集团拥有菲马机构(FIMA CORP)的60.82%股权,请下载及详读菲马机构2011年年报,作进一步的了解。
思考重点:THE EDGE曾报道:菲马集团和菲马机构可能合併,以浮显其价值。有这种可能吗?
Nov 11th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
股票投机 零和游戏
“股市或赌场中,赌徒都是你情我愿,也是愿赌服输,故参与投机或赌博的双方,都没有不公平,问题不是公平不公平,而是整个活动的本质,就是损人利己,有一方赢就必有一方输,使赌业成为罪业 (Sin Industry), 投机跟赌博相似,是事情的本质,使它成为近乎罪业。”
“股票投机,是零和 (Zero Sum) 游戏,一方之所赢,必然等于另一方之所输,一方的受益,是由另一方的损失成就的。靠损人以达到利己的目的,是不是心术不正?”
1.请进入, 下载该公司 2008-10 年的年报,详读。
2.进入 Google, 找出锡价趋势 (London Metal Exchange)。
股票投机 零和游戏
“股市或赌场中,赌徒都是你情我愿,也是愿赌服输,故参与投机或赌博的双方,都没有不公平,问题不是公平不公平,而是整个活动的本质,就是损人利己,有一方赢就必有一方输,使赌业成为罪业 (Sin Industry), 投机跟赌博相似,是事情的本质,使它成为近乎罪业。”
“股票投机,是零和 (Zero Sum) 游戏,一方之所赢,必然等于另一方之所输,一方的受益,是由另一方的损失成就的。靠损人以达到利己的目的,是不是心术不正?”
1.请进入, 下载该公司 2008-10 年的年报,详读。
2.进入 Google, 找出锡价趋势 (London Metal Exchange)。
Tuesday, November 22, 2011
Cheaper latex a positive for glovemakers
Written by Chong Jin Hun
Monday, 21 November 2011 12:37
KUALA LUMPUR: Latex prices, which hit fresh lows in recent days, are seen to be on a downward trend in the coming months in anticipation of lower demand by major industrial users, a positive for natural rubber (NR) glove producers although other concerns linger.
Analysts said rubber prices could be stifled by lower demand due to the eurozone sovereign debt crisis, besides automotive sector supply chain disruption from the floods in Thailand. Normalising demand for rubber gloves in the absence of disease outbreaks is another factor underlying lower consumption of rubber in the coming months.
“There is a downside bias to our forecast for rubber prices,” an analyst with MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd told The Edge Financial Daily.
MIDF’s forecast indicates that latex will trade at an average of RM9 a kg this year before falling to RM8.75 in 2012. An analyst said the current situation would benefit glovemakers with a higher composition of NR gloves than synthetic rubber or nitrile glovemakers. Notable players include Top Glove Corp Bhd whose portfolio comprises 81% natural rubber gloves with the balance 19% being nitrile products.
Supermax Corp Bhd has a ratio of 80:20 for natural and nitrile gloves respectively while Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd has a ratio of 55:45.
Concerns over normalising demand for gloves due to the absence of outbreaks have given rise to fears of a price war among players, which could hurt the profit margins of these companies, the analyst added.
“Buyers of rubber gloves are adopting a wait and see attitude in anticipation of rubber prices going down further,” she said. Latex makes up some 60% of glovemakers’ cost.
The analyst said that while floods in Thailand have caused supply chain disruptions for the automotive sector, the situation there has begun to recover, and this is expected to lend support to rubber prices.
OSK Research Sdn Bhd analyst Jason Yap said he expects rubber prices to decline in the long term as demand is seen to be anaemic. This is due to moves by glovemakers to increase output of nitrile products and normalising demand for gloves.
Yap also said the global automotive sector, which consumes 70% of world rubber output, encountered setbacks against a weak global economic backdrop and floods in Thailand.
Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia are the world’s top producers and exporters of rubber, accounting for 70% of global output. It has been widely anticipated that these top suppliers would embark on measures to stem the decline in natural rubber prices.
Policymakers in Thailand, for example, plan to spend 10 billion baht (RM1 billion) to increase inventory of the commodity. It was reported that a soft loan of some 10 billion baht would be given to the country’s estimated 600 cooperatives to purchase rubber from farmers at 95 baht per kg. The move is expected to drain supply out of the market to support prices of the commodity. Lawmakers there have also encouraged tappers to delay tapping between now and January next year to cut supply.
OSK’s Yap said amid expectations that top rubber producers will stem the decline in rubber prices, glove buyers are anticipated to increase their inventory ahead of the next year’s wintering season, when latex production is lower.
Rubber prices declined to fresh lows in recent days on expectation that the eurozone sovereign debt woes and lower vehicle output by major automotive players in Thailand due to the floods will reduce demand for the commodity.
Over the last six months, Malaysian latex prices have fallen 32% from a high of RM9.51 a kg on May 27 to RM6.43 on Nov 14.
The eurozone debt woes are far from over. Economists expect economic activities there to further weaken after a survey involving purchasing executives indicated that the manufacturing and service industries declined further last month leading to expectations of a contraction in the eurozone’s GDP in 4Q11 and 1Q12.
As the automotive sector consumes 70% of world rubber supply, a perceived weakness in the automotive industry will naturally impact rubber prices.
The floods in Thailand are creating a second major supply disruption in the global automotive sector since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. According to news reports, the floods in Thailand have spread across 64 of Thailand’s 77 provinces and affected seven industrial enclaves where Honda Motor Co and auto parts makers have set up factories.
Global automotive players are also feeling the pinch. According to news reports, car factories across the Americas, and Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia, will see lower vehicle output due to the supply chain disruption.
RHB Research Institute wrote in a note last Friday that it had revised downwards its 2011 total industry volume (TIV) for the Malaysian automotive sector to 604,000 units compared with 616,000 units previously.
This follows guidance from the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) that vehicle sales here would decline this month due to supply disruptions resulting from the floods in Thailand.
Year-to-date till October, Malaysian TIV fell 0.3% to 503,898 units, according to MAA.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 21, 2011.
Monday, 21 November 2011 12:37
KUALA LUMPUR: Latex prices, which hit fresh lows in recent days, are seen to be on a downward trend in the coming months in anticipation of lower demand by major industrial users, a positive for natural rubber (NR) glove producers although other concerns linger.
Analysts said rubber prices could be stifled by lower demand due to the eurozone sovereign debt crisis, besides automotive sector supply chain disruption from the floods in Thailand. Normalising demand for rubber gloves in the absence of disease outbreaks is another factor underlying lower consumption of rubber in the coming months.
“There is a downside bias to our forecast for rubber prices,” an analyst with MIDF Amanah Investment Bank Bhd told The Edge Financial Daily.
MIDF’s forecast indicates that latex will trade at an average of RM9 a kg this year before falling to RM8.75 in 2012. An analyst said the current situation would benefit glovemakers with a higher composition of NR gloves than synthetic rubber or nitrile glovemakers. Notable players include Top Glove Corp Bhd whose portfolio comprises 81% natural rubber gloves with the balance 19% being nitrile products.
Supermax Corp Bhd has a ratio of 80:20 for natural and nitrile gloves respectively while Kossan Rubber Industries Bhd has a ratio of 55:45.
Concerns over normalising demand for gloves due to the absence of outbreaks have given rise to fears of a price war among players, which could hurt the profit margins of these companies, the analyst added.
“Buyers of rubber gloves are adopting a wait and see attitude in anticipation of rubber prices going down further,” she said. Latex makes up some 60% of glovemakers’ cost.
The analyst said that while floods in Thailand have caused supply chain disruptions for the automotive sector, the situation there has begun to recover, and this is expected to lend support to rubber prices.
OSK Research Sdn Bhd analyst Jason Yap said he expects rubber prices to decline in the long term as demand is seen to be anaemic. This is due to moves by glovemakers to increase output of nitrile products and normalising demand for gloves.
Yap also said the global automotive sector, which consumes 70% of world rubber output, encountered setbacks against a weak global economic backdrop and floods in Thailand.
Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia are the world’s top producers and exporters of rubber, accounting for 70% of global output. It has been widely anticipated that these top suppliers would embark on measures to stem the decline in natural rubber prices.
Policymakers in Thailand, for example, plan to spend 10 billion baht (RM1 billion) to increase inventory of the commodity. It was reported that a soft loan of some 10 billion baht would be given to the country’s estimated 600 cooperatives to purchase rubber from farmers at 95 baht per kg. The move is expected to drain supply out of the market to support prices of the commodity. Lawmakers there have also encouraged tappers to delay tapping between now and January next year to cut supply.
OSK’s Yap said amid expectations that top rubber producers will stem the decline in rubber prices, glove buyers are anticipated to increase their inventory ahead of the next year’s wintering season, when latex production is lower.
Rubber prices declined to fresh lows in recent days on expectation that the eurozone sovereign debt woes and lower vehicle output by major automotive players in Thailand due to the floods will reduce demand for the commodity.
Over the last six months, Malaysian latex prices have fallen 32% from a high of RM9.51 a kg on May 27 to RM6.43 on Nov 14.
The eurozone debt woes are far from over. Economists expect economic activities there to further weaken after a survey involving purchasing executives indicated that the manufacturing and service industries declined further last month leading to expectations of a contraction in the eurozone’s GDP in 4Q11 and 1Q12.
As the automotive sector consumes 70% of world rubber supply, a perceived weakness in the automotive industry will naturally impact rubber prices.
The floods in Thailand are creating a second major supply disruption in the global automotive sector since the March 11 earthquake and tsunami in Japan. According to news reports, the floods in Thailand have spread across 64 of Thailand’s 77 provinces and affected seven industrial enclaves where Honda Motor Co and auto parts makers have set up factories.
Global automotive players are also feeling the pinch. According to news reports, car factories across the Americas, and Asia, including Malaysia and Indonesia, will see lower vehicle output due to the supply chain disruption.
RHB Research Institute wrote in a note last Friday that it had revised downwards its 2011 total industry volume (TIV) for the Malaysian automotive sector to 604,000 units compared with 616,000 units previously.
This follows guidance from the Malaysian Automotive Association (MAA) that vehicle sales here would decline this month due to supply disruptions resulting from the floods in Thailand.
Year-to-date till October, Malaysian TIV fell 0.3% to 503,898 units, according to MAA.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 21, 2011.
IOI Corp’s 1QFY12 affected by high forex loss
Written by Financial Daily
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 10:55
IOI Corp Bhd
(Nov 21, RM4.97)
Downgrade to sell at RM5.05 with target price of RM4.50: IOI Corp recorded a net profit of RM258 million (-52.9% quarter-on-quarter [q-o-q], -48.2% year-on-year [y-o-y]) for 1QFY12. The results were way below expectation due to unrealised foreign exchange losses of RM271.7 million. Excluding this, 1QFY12 net profit was RM530 million (-3.3% q-o-q, +6.4% y-o-y), in line with expectation. Higher fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production has boosted the plantation division’s contribution. However, weakening downstream business and property divisions were a drag on net profit.
IOI’s FFB production grew 8.1% in 1QFY12. However, we expect some contraction in 2QFY12 production growth due to potential heavy rainfall from La Nina by this December and January and the 22- to 24-month impact of the 2009/10 El Nino. If La Nina is extended to April/May 2012, production will be lower than expected. We project a 7% to 9% growth in production for FY12.
IOI continued to suffer from lower sales and margins for its oleochemical and speciality fats products. This was attributable to stiff competition from Indonesian players and weakness in the European markets. IOI recorded a lower margin for its refineries segment, contrary to our expectation that refining margin would improve due to high prices on the back of high biodiesel demand. IOI’s downstream operation is expected to continue to suffer given the uncertainty and economic slowdown in Europe as it has significant exposure to the European market and with the new export tax structure that favours Indonesian downstream players.
Its property division is likely to stay weak due to the slowdown in the property market. Developers are slowing down their launches, anticipating a weak property market in Malaysia. On the other hand, IOI is embarking on a larger joint venture project in Singapore with City Development’s South Beach, located in downtown Singapore. It has an estimated gross development value of S$3.1 billion (RM7.6 billion) and completion is scheduled in 2015. We expect the project to start contributing 5% to 7% to IOI’s pre-tax profit in FY14.
We are maintaining our earnings estimates as the lower performance in 1QFY12 was due mainly to the unrealised forex losses from its US$1.3 billion (RM9.8 billion) loan.
We forecast earnings per share of 31.9 sen, 34 sen and 39 sen for FY12 to FY14.
We downgrade IOI to “sell” as the current price is above our target price after the recent price rally. Our target price is RM4.50, based on sum-of-the-parts, implying 13 times FY13F earnings per share. Investors should lock in profit from the recent share price strength. Its performance is likely to lag its peers’ due to declining FFB yield and past-prime acreage which is also due for replanting soon, and this would affect production and bottom line. — UOBKayHian, Nov 21
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 22, 2011.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 10:55
IOI Corp Bhd
(Nov 21, RM4.97)
Downgrade to sell at RM5.05 with target price of RM4.50: IOI Corp recorded a net profit of RM258 million (-52.9% quarter-on-quarter [q-o-q], -48.2% year-on-year [y-o-y]) for 1QFY12. The results were way below expectation due to unrealised foreign exchange losses of RM271.7 million. Excluding this, 1QFY12 net profit was RM530 million (-3.3% q-o-q, +6.4% y-o-y), in line with expectation. Higher fresh fruit bunch (FFB) production has boosted the plantation division’s contribution. However, weakening downstream business and property divisions were a drag on net profit.
IOI’s FFB production grew 8.1% in 1QFY12. However, we expect some contraction in 2QFY12 production growth due to potential heavy rainfall from La Nina by this December and January and the 22- to 24-month impact of the 2009/10 El Nino. If La Nina is extended to April/May 2012, production will be lower than expected. We project a 7% to 9% growth in production for FY12.
IOI continued to suffer from lower sales and margins for its oleochemical and speciality fats products. This was attributable to stiff competition from Indonesian players and weakness in the European markets. IOI recorded a lower margin for its refineries segment, contrary to our expectation that refining margin would improve due to high prices on the back of high biodiesel demand. IOI’s downstream operation is expected to continue to suffer given the uncertainty and economic slowdown in Europe as it has significant exposure to the European market and with the new export tax structure that favours Indonesian downstream players.
Its property division is likely to stay weak due to the slowdown in the property market. Developers are slowing down their launches, anticipating a weak property market in Malaysia. On the other hand, IOI is embarking on a larger joint venture project in Singapore with City Development’s South Beach, located in downtown Singapore. It has an estimated gross development value of S$3.1 billion (RM7.6 billion) and completion is scheduled in 2015. We expect the project to start contributing 5% to 7% to IOI’s pre-tax profit in FY14.
We are maintaining our earnings estimates as the lower performance in 1QFY12 was due mainly to the unrealised forex losses from its US$1.3 billion (RM9.8 billion) loan.
We forecast earnings per share of 31.9 sen, 34 sen and 39 sen for FY12 to FY14.
We downgrade IOI to “sell” as the current price is above our target price after the recent price rally. Our target price is RM4.50, based on sum-of-the-parts, implying 13 times FY13F earnings per share. Investors should lock in profit from the recent share price strength. Its performance is likely to lag its peers’ due to declining FFB yield and past-prime acreage which is also due for replanting soon, and this would affect production and bottom line. — UOBKayHian, Nov 21
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 22, 2011.
Masterskill 3QFY11 continues to disappoint
Written by Financial Daily
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 10:53
Masterskill Education Group Bhd
(Nov 21, RM1.16)
Maintain fully valued at RM1.20 with revised target price of 70 sen (from RM1.20): Masterskill’s 3QFY11 net profit plunged 78.8% year-on-year (y-o-y) and 52.1% quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) to RM5.5 million. This brings 9MFY11 net profit to RM39.7 million or 52.5% of our initial full-year estimate, way below expectation. Revenue for 3QFY11shrank to RM61.2 million (-24.1% y-o-y, -7% q-o-q) on the back of weak new student intake (1,800 year-to-date, below the circa 3,000 students that graduated in September 2011). This, coupled with rising overhead costs (attributable to teaching staff, depreciation and other administration costs), dragged down operating margin to 15.9% (3QFY10: 40.7%, 2QFY11: 15.4%).
Masterskill has been struggling to draw in more new students due to: (i) a more competitive health science education landscape; (ii) a shift in industry trend whereby fewer students are pursuing diploma courses in private education institutions; (iii) lower National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) funding limit; and (iv) higher minimum entry requirement for nursing programmes.
Following the disappointing 3QFY11, we have cut FY11F to FY13F earnings by 38% to 43% as we factor in lower new student intakes of 2,100 (from 4,000) in FY11F and 4,500 (from 5,100) in FY12F (when there could be a higher number of new students for its degree programmes and new courses as Masterskill embarks on fresh initiatives to diversify its income profile).
We have also trimmed our dividend payout assumption to 40% (from 50%), which translates to dividend per share of 4.4 sen (of which 4.2 sen has just been declared) or a prospective 3.7% net yield for FY11F. Masterskill may want to conserve cash for its capital expenditure requirements amid a weak earnings outlook. Maintain “fully valued” with a revised target price of 70 sen (from RM1.20) based on nine times FY12F earnings per share with support from its existing net cash balance of RM121.6 million, or 30 sen per share. — HwangDBS Vickers Research, Nov 21
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 22, 2011.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 10:53
Masterskill Education Group Bhd
(Nov 21, RM1.16)
Maintain fully valued at RM1.20 with revised target price of 70 sen (from RM1.20): Masterskill’s 3QFY11 net profit plunged 78.8% year-on-year (y-o-y) and 52.1% quarter-on-quarter (q-o-q) to RM5.5 million. This brings 9MFY11 net profit to RM39.7 million or 52.5% of our initial full-year estimate, way below expectation. Revenue for 3QFY11shrank to RM61.2 million (-24.1% y-o-y, -7% q-o-q) on the back of weak new student intake (1,800 year-to-date, below the circa 3,000 students that graduated in September 2011). This, coupled with rising overhead costs (attributable to teaching staff, depreciation and other administration costs), dragged down operating margin to 15.9% (3QFY10: 40.7%, 2QFY11: 15.4%).
Masterskill has been struggling to draw in more new students due to: (i) a more competitive health science education landscape; (ii) a shift in industry trend whereby fewer students are pursuing diploma courses in private education institutions; (iii) lower National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) funding limit; and (iv) higher minimum entry requirement for nursing programmes.
Following the disappointing 3QFY11, we have cut FY11F to FY13F earnings by 38% to 43% as we factor in lower new student intakes of 2,100 (from 4,000) in FY11F and 4,500 (from 5,100) in FY12F (when there could be a higher number of new students for its degree programmes and new courses as Masterskill embarks on fresh initiatives to diversify its income profile).
We have also trimmed our dividend payout assumption to 40% (from 50%), which translates to dividend per share of 4.4 sen (of which 4.2 sen has just been declared) or a prospective 3.7% net yield for FY11F. Masterskill may want to conserve cash for its capital expenditure requirements amid a weak earnings outlook. Maintain “fully valued” with a revised target price of 70 sen (from RM1.20) based on nine times FY12F earnings per share with support from its existing net cash balance of RM121.6 million, or 30 sen per share. — HwangDBS Vickers Research, Nov 21
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 22, 2011.
KNM posts net loss RM116.29m in 3Q
Written by Surin Murugiah of
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 18:58
KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 22): KNM GROUP BHD [] posted net loss RM116.29 million for third quarter ended Sept 30, 2011 compared to net profit RM56.09 million a year earlier, due mainly to one off provision for foreseeable losses and credit impairments.
The company said on Tuesday that revenue for the quarter rose 6.41% to RM445.18 million from RM418.36 million in 2010.
Loss per share for the quarter was 11.88 sen compared to earnings per share of 5.69 sen a year earlier, while net assets per share was RM1.69.
There was no dividend declared or recommended during quarter under review.
However, KNM said it had adopted a dividend policy of distributing at least 50% of its consolidated net attributable after tax profit (subject to the availability of distributable reserves and compliance of financial covenants) with effect from financial year ending Dec 31, 2012.
For the nine months ended Sept 30, KNM posted net loss RM86.42 million compared to net profit RM110.57 million in 2010, while its revenue grew 19% to RM1.4 billion from RM1.17 billion.
Reviewing its performance, KNM said the higher revenue in this year was due to higher job recognition.
On its prospects, KNM said notwithstanding its strong order book, the company expects the business environment for the remaining quarter to remain challenging due to global uncertainties.
“However, the board is optimistic that going forward the prospects for the oil & gas industry remains positive,” it said.
Tuesday, 22 November 2011 18:58
KUALA LUMPUR (Nov 22): KNM GROUP BHD [] posted net loss RM116.29 million for third quarter ended Sept 30, 2011 compared to net profit RM56.09 million a year earlier, due mainly to one off provision for foreseeable losses and credit impairments.
The company said on Tuesday that revenue for the quarter rose 6.41% to RM445.18 million from RM418.36 million in 2010.
Loss per share for the quarter was 11.88 sen compared to earnings per share of 5.69 sen a year earlier, while net assets per share was RM1.69.
There was no dividend declared or recommended during quarter under review.
However, KNM said it had adopted a dividend policy of distributing at least 50% of its consolidated net attributable after tax profit (subject to the availability of distributable reserves and compliance of financial covenants) with effect from financial year ending Dec 31, 2012.
For the nine months ended Sept 30, KNM posted net loss RM86.42 million compared to net profit RM110.57 million in 2010, while its revenue grew 19% to RM1.4 billion from RM1.17 billion.
Reviewing its performance, KNM said the higher revenue in this year was due to higher job recognition.
On its prospects, KNM said notwithstanding its strong order book, the company expects the business environment for the remaining quarter to remain challenging due to global uncertainties.
“However, the board is optimistic that going forward the prospects for the oil & gas industry remains positive,” it said.
Wednesday, November 9, 2011
Nov 4th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
市面上分析次贷风暴的书,中文、英文,少说也有一百几十种,每一种都有不同的说法,即使像我这样长期阅读《经济学人》(The Economist)等期刊的股票研究人,也感到眼花缭乱,更不要说没有时间或没有能力阅读经济资料的投资散户了。
冷静观察 客观分析
最好的标准是市价总值(market capitalisation)。假设一家公司的市价总值为1亿令吉,假如你要创办一家这样的公司的话,你要投资3亿令吉,而且还要数年的时间才能做到有关公司的规模,现在无知的股东,竟以1亿令吉将公司卖给你,你为什么不敢买?不要买?
市面上分析次贷风暴的书,中文、英文,少说也有一百几十种,每一种都有不同的说法,即使像我这样长期阅读《经济学人》(The Economist)等期刊的股票研究人,也感到眼花缭乱,更不要说没有时间或没有能力阅读经济资料的投资散户了。
冷静观察 客观分析
最好的标准是市价总值(market capitalisation)。假设一家公司的市价总值为1亿令吉,假如你要创办一家这样的公司的话,你要投资3亿令吉,而且还要数年的时间才能做到有关公司的规模,现在无知的股东,竟以1亿令吉将公司卖给你,你为什么不敢买?不要买?
Genting fights Disney, South Beach
Genting Bhd’s plan for a US$3.8 billion casino-and-hotel complex along Miami’s Biscayne Bay has turned into a fight over gambling and jobs pitting the Malaysian developer against Walt Disney Co, local hoteliers, restaurant owners and betting parlors.
Florida lawmakers will take up bills in January to allow three casino licences in Miami-Dade County and Broward County to the north for companies investing at least US$2 billion. Ellyn Bogdanoff, the Fort Lauderdale Republican sponsor of the Senate measure, said it has only a 50 percent chance of passing. Governor Rick Scott, also a Republican, said he’ll consider any measure that’s “fair” and “locally decided.”
Genting, whose 10,000-room Casino de Genting in Malaysia is the world’s largest by number of accommodations, began buying about US$500 million of Miami properties even before the bills were filed. The first was the 14-acre bayfront site of the Miami Herald newspaper for US$236 million in May. Las Vegas Sands Corp and MGM Resorts International said they’re also looking.
So-called destination resorts, such as the 5,200-room complex Genting proposes, may bring Florida as many as 100,000 jobs, said Jessica Hoppe, the company’s general counsel. That may help Scott fulfill a campaign promise to create 700,000 positions over seven years in a state where the unemployment rate was 10.6 percent in September, 1.5 percentage points higher than the national average at the time.
Three Rejections
Florida voters rejected casino permits three times since 1978 in statewide referendums. Now, two factors may favor them: a decision by the First District Court of Appeal on Oct. 6 that may dispense with a state ballot and a Florida economy that’s seen tax revenue decline almost 15 percent since fiscal 2006.
Diverting gamblers from the Caribbean, Las Vegas and Atlantic City, New Jersey, would boost the US$63 billion tourist industry, proponents say. Florida is trying to recover from the fourth-steepest decline in economic health of any state over the past five years, according to Bloomberg Economic Evaluation of States Index data.
“What you’re talking about is capturing a market of high- end Venezuelans, South Americans, Latin Americans, Western Europeans that love coming to Miami,” Representative Erik Fresen, a Miami Republican who sponsored the House casino bill, said in an interview in Tallahassee, the capital.
Florida isn’t the only state considering casinos as they try to close fiscal 2013 deficits. The projected gaps are an estimated US$46 billion, according to a June 17 estimate by the Washington-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which advocates for low-income families.
States at Work
Massachusetts lawmakers are working on bills that would allow three resort-style casinos. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn supports elements of a bill for five casinos in his state. In New York City, Genting’s casino at the Aqueduct racetrack in Queens, which opened Oct. 28, estimates it will contribute US$350 million a year to the state for education.
Florida already allows gambling at seven casinos run by the Seminole Tribe and one by the Miccosukee Tribe of American Indians. It also permits poker at horse and greyhound tracks, jai-alai frontons and other sites. Slot machines are offered at five places in Miami-Dade and Broward.
Competition from operators such as Genting will cost Florida millions in lost revenue from the tribe, say the Seminoles, whose headquarters is in Hollywood, north of Miami. -- Bloomberg
Read more: Genting fights Disney, South Beach
Florida lawmakers will take up bills in January to allow three casino licences in Miami-Dade County and Broward County to the north for companies investing at least US$2 billion. Ellyn Bogdanoff, the Fort Lauderdale Republican sponsor of the Senate measure, said it has only a 50 percent chance of passing. Governor Rick Scott, also a Republican, said he’ll consider any measure that’s “fair” and “locally decided.”
Genting, whose 10,000-room Casino de Genting in Malaysia is the world’s largest by number of accommodations, began buying about US$500 million of Miami properties even before the bills were filed. The first was the 14-acre bayfront site of the Miami Herald newspaper for US$236 million in May. Las Vegas Sands Corp and MGM Resorts International said they’re also looking.
So-called destination resorts, such as the 5,200-room complex Genting proposes, may bring Florida as many as 100,000 jobs, said Jessica Hoppe, the company’s general counsel. That may help Scott fulfill a campaign promise to create 700,000 positions over seven years in a state where the unemployment rate was 10.6 percent in September, 1.5 percentage points higher than the national average at the time.
Three Rejections
Florida voters rejected casino permits three times since 1978 in statewide referendums. Now, two factors may favor them: a decision by the First District Court of Appeal on Oct. 6 that may dispense with a state ballot and a Florida economy that’s seen tax revenue decline almost 15 percent since fiscal 2006.
Diverting gamblers from the Caribbean, Las Vegas and Atlantic City, New Jersey, would boost the US$63 billion tourist industry, proponents say. Florida is trying to recover from the fourth-steepest decline in economic health of any state over the past five years, according to Bloomberg Economic Evaluation of States Index data.
“What you’re talking about is capturing a market of high- end Venezuelans, South Americans, Latin Americans, Western Europeans that love coming to Miami,” Representative Erik Fresen, a Miami Republican who sponsored the House casino bill, said in an interview in Tallahassee, the capital.
Florida isn’t the only state considering casinos as they try to close fiscal 2013 deficits. The projected gaps are an estimated US$46 billion, according to a June 17 estimate by the Washington-based Center on Budget and Policy Priorities, which advocates for low-income families.
States at Work
Massachusetts lawmakers are working on bills that would allow three resort-style casinos. Illinois Governor Pat Quinn supports elements of a bill for five casinos in his state. In New York City, Genting’s casino at the Aqueduct racetrack in Queens, which opened Oct. 28, estimates it will contribute US$350 million a year to the state for education.
Florida already allows gambling at seven casinos run by the Seminole Tribe and one by the Miccosukee Tribe of American Indians. It also permits poker at horse and greyhound tracks, jai-alai frontons and other sites. Slot machines are offered at five places in Miami-Dade and Broward.
Competition from operators such as Genting will cost Florida millions in lost revenue from the tribe, say the Seminoles, whose headquarters is in Hollywood, north of Miami. -- Bloomberg
Read more: Genting fights Disney, South Beach
No end to Masterskill’s PTPTN worries
Written by Joanne Nayagam | |||
Wednesday, 09 November 2011 10:59 |
KUALA LUMPUR: Masterskill Education Group Bhd may see more woes ahead. The group was dealt another setback when the National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) proposed to reduce loans for students studying at higher educational institutions.
It was reported over the weekend that PTPTN chairman Datuk Ismail Mohamed Said said the corporation had decided to make the cut as there was a large pool of borrowers and loan defaults. He reportedly said loans will continue to cover education and tuition fees, but not living expenses, and will commence in 2013.
Ismail was later quoted as clarifying that it was a proposal and that the final decision would be made by the government.
Potential cuts in funding or disbursement of PTPTN loans have long been a major worry for Masterskill as about 95% of its students depend on them. These concerns started emerging last year on reports that PTPTN saw a rising number of defaults which could limit future funding for these loans.
The concerns and foreign selling have driven the stock sharply lower since the fourth quarter last year and lately there is renewed buying interest.
Last week, Masterskill’s stock jumped from RM1.29 on Monday and Tuesday to RM1.39 on Wednesday before closing at RM1.36 on Friday on heavy volume.
Masterskill faces prospects of lower enrolment figures as competition for tertiary students heats up. |
The renewed interest is despite the fact that analysts have raised concerns about the prospects of lower enrolment numbers as competition to attract tertiary students heats up.
OSK Research reported last week that “new enrolments in the supposedly major student intake period from September to mid-October are likely to have fallen to the tune of a few hundreds”.
If the proposal is accepted, then the change in loan policy could possibly mean lower student intakes in the future for Masterskill, CIMB Research said in its report yesterday.
“PTPTN recently reduced the loan eligibility for healthcare-related courses from RM60,000 to RM45,000, which is lower than Masterskill’s RM52,000 average three-year course fees for diploma in nursing,” said the report. “As the RM45,000 does not include coverage for student expenses, it should not have a revenue impact on the group. But the decision to stop loans on expenses, though not immediate, is likely to dampen student enrolment.”
Leveraging on such sentiment, the research house lowered its price-to-earnings ratio (PER) target for the group to 7.6 times from 8.7 times, with a reduced price target of RM1.46 from RM1.71. It maintained a “neutral” recommendation on the stock.
Even though the report did not strike out a possible mild rebound in student numbers in the fourth quarter, the 2HFY11 earnings are unlikely to surpass that of 1HFY11 “due to the continued impact of a higher lecturer and staff cost”.
The 1HFY11 results were already lower than previously. Revenue was at RM139.47 million, 9.5% lower year-on-year (y-o-y), than the RM154.15 million posted last year. Net profit fell 30.42% y-o-y to RM34.17 million from RM49.11 million.
CIMB Research has cut its FY11 to FY13 student numbers forecast for Masterskill by 1% to 5% to between 17,000 and 19,000. It expects student growth to be 6%-7% (compared with 8%-9% previously) for the next three years.
CIMB also said in the report the recent share price rebound is “not sustainable” and expects the upcoming 3QFY11 to be weaker quarter-on-quarter.
Masterskill’s 3Q financial results are expected to be released next week (Nov 18) and investors will be waiting to know the group’s plans on how to tackle the PTPTN issue and student growth uncertainties.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, November 9, 2011.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Oct 28th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
“投资哲理”又叫“投资理念”(Investment Philosobhy),是一组指导你的投资行动的原则。你根据这些原则,作出你的投资决定。
这个以大马和香港为操作基地,专门投资于亚洲股市的基金,是由一名英国剑桥大学数学系毕业的女投资家Claire Barnes主持。
1. 我们是从私人长期投资者的角度评估股票的商业价值,不大理会股市短期波动。
2. 我们喜欢价值,例如以50仙买价值1元的股票,但决不牺牲素质。
3. 我们也喜欢成长股,但价格必须合理(物有所值)。
4. 我们喜欢股息,对于没有派息政策的公司,存有戒心。
5. 我们尽力澈底了解公司,我们访问公司,细读年报和文告,跟他们的对手交谈,了解他们越久越好。
6. 我们通常投资3至15年,但低价买到好公司,也可能永远不卖。
本周建议研究股项:佳杰科技(ECSICT BHD)
“投资哲理”又叫“投资理念”(Investment Philosobhy),是一组指导你的投资行动的原则。你根据这些原则,作出你的投资决定。
这个以大马和香港为操作基地,专门投资于亚洲股市的基金,是由一名英国剑桥大学数学系毕业的女投资家Claire Barnes主持。
1. 我们是从私人长期投资者的角度评估股票的商业价值,不大理会股市短期波动。
2. 我们喜欢价值,例如以50仙买价值1元的股票,但决不牺牲素质。
3. 我们也喜欢成长股,但价格必须合理(物有所值)。
4. 我们喜欢股息,对于没有派息政策的公司,存有戒心。
5. 我们尽力澈底了解公司,我们访问公司,细读年报和文告,跟他们的对手交谈,了解他们越久越好。
6. 我们通常投资3至15年,但低价买到好公司,也可能永远不卖。
本周建议研究股项:佳杰科技(ECSICT BHD)
Thursday, October 20, 2011
新手買股票,先建立 10個正確態度
- 文章編號 : 1592
- 發表時間 : 2011-10-20 11:20:35
2006年6月 Cheers雜誌
首先,注意該企業的營收、獲利和EPS(每股盈餘)是否持續成長,這些是企業營運成效反映在股價市值的指標性數字。可以畫張圖,看看這幾項指標在各時間點 上的變動。部份類股(例如電子股)營收會有明顯淡、旺季的差異,所以短時間的震盪不必太在意,抓個3、5年,只要趨勢向上,大抵上該公司體質堪稱穩健。
Monday, October 17, 2011
Oct 14th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 分享锦集
Oct 7th, 2011 | By 冷眼 | Category: 冷眼分享集
CMMT distributable income rises 41% in 3Q
Friday, 14 October 2011 12:17
KUALA LUMPUR: CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust’s (CMMT) distributable income in the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2011 (3QFY11), rose 40.6% to RM29.7 million from a year ago on higher property income and gross revenue.
Revenue increased 33.3% to RM57.84 million from RM43.39 million.
CMMT’s distributable income rose on net property income of RM41.1 million (35.6% higher than 3QFY10) and gross revenue of RM57.8 million (33.3% higher than 3QFY10), said CapitaMalls Malaysia REIT Management Sdn Bhd (CMRM), the manager of CMMT, in a press release yesterday.
For 3QFY11, CMMT distribution per unit (DPU) increased by 26.9% to 1.98 sen compared with 1.56 sen a year ago.
Based on CMMT’s closing price of RM1.28 per unit yesterday, its DPU of 1.98 sen translates to an annualised distribution yield of 6.1%, said CMRM.
CMRM chairman Kee Teck Koon said the stronger results were boosted by the Gurney Plaza extension in 3QFY11, the acquisition of which was completed on March 28.
“Since then, we have announced another acquisition of East Coast Mall in Kuantan, which is expected to be completed by year-end. We continue to actively look for acquisition opportunities as part of our growth strategy to enhance unit holder value,” he said.
Sharon Lim, CEO of CMRM, said East Coast Mall is expected to contribute over RM20 million in net property income per year to CMMT’s existing portfolio.
Lim said CMMT had a near full occupancy rate of 98.7% across its portfolio and rental renewal increases of 6.7%.
“Our asset enhancement works at Gurney Plaza are progressing well and on track to be completed by year-end, and will start contributing to our income from next year onwards,” Lim said.
A “pure-play” shopping mall REIT, CMMT’s portfolio comprises Gurney Plaza in Penang, The Mines in Selangor, and an interest in Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. The portfolio has a total net lettable area of over two million sq ft.
For the cumulative nine-month period, CMMT’s distributable income quadrupled to RM85.4 million from RM21.1million a year ago while revenue more than tripled to RM167.7 million from RM43.4 million.
Shares in CMMT closed unchanged at RM1.28 yesterday.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, Ocotber 14, 2011.
KUALA LUMPUR: CapitaMalls Malaysia Trust’s (CMMT) distributable income in the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2011 (3QFY11), rose 40.6% to RM29.7 million from a year ago on higher property income and gross revenue.
Revenue increased 33.3% to RM57.84 million from RM43.39 million.
CMMT’s distributable income rose on net property income of RM41.1 million (35.6% higher than 3QFY10) and gross revenue of RM57.8 million (33.3% higher than 3QFY10), said CapitaMalls Malaysia REIT Management Sdn Bhd (CMRM), the manager of CMMT, in a press release yesterday.
For 3QFY11, CMMT distribution per unit (DPU) increased by 26.9% to 1.98 sen compared with 1.56 sen a year ago.
Based on CMMT’s closing price of RM1.28 per unit yesterday, its DPU of 1.98 sen translates to an annualised distribution yield of 6.1%, said CMRM.
CMRM chairman Kee Teck Koon said the stronger results were boosted by the Gurney Plaza extension in 3QFY11, the acquisition of which was completed on March 28.
“Since then, we have announced another acquisition of East Coast Mall in Kuantan, which is expected to be completed by year-end. We continue to actively look for acquisition opportunities as part of our growth strategy to enhance unit holder value,” he said.
Sharon Lim, CEO of CMRM, said East Coast Mall is expected to contribute over RM20 million in net property income per year to CMMT’s existing portfolio.
Lim said CMMT had a near full occupancy rate of 98.7% across its portfolio and rental renewal increases of 6.7%.
“Our asset enhancement works at Gurney Plaza are progressing well and on track to be completed by year-end, and will start contributing to our income from next year onwards,” Lim said.
A “pure-play” shopping mall REIT, CMMT’s portfolio comprises Gurney Plaza in Penang, The Mines in Selangor, and an interest in Sungei Wang Plaza in Kuala Lumpur. The portfolio has a total net lettable area of over two million sq ft.
For the cumulative nine-month period, CMMT’s distributable income quadrupled to RM85.4 million from RM21.1million a year ago while revenue more than tripled to RM167.7 million from RM43.4 million.
Shares in CMMT closed unchanged at RM1.28 yesterday.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, Ocotber 14, 2011.
Headwinds for education stocks
KUALA LUMPUR: The education sector was once an investor darling, but counters like HELP International Corp Bhd and Masterskill Education Group Bhd have headed south due to sector-wide over-expansion, rising competition and lower student intake.
Last month, RHB Research downgraded the sector to “neutral” on fears of a weak market outlook.
“We are turning cautious on prospects for the education sector in the coming quarter given rising macroeconomic headwinds, illiquidity of the stock in the sector, the relative small market cap of education stocks, and high foreign ownership,” it said in the Sept 29 report.
It downgraded HELP and Masterskill to “underperform” from “outperform” and “market perform”, while maintaining an “outperform” call on SEG International Bhd (SEGi).
RHB Research said education stocks were driven by Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) news flow in the past, but now the excitement has begun to recede.
“Entry point-projects (EPP) involving SEGi, such as the establishment of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) hub and the SkillsMalaysia INVITE programme, are already underway, while the announcement of the gradual liberalisation of the education sector under the Strategic Reform Initiatives is already priced in,” it said.
The research house has cut its FY12 price-earnings ratio (PER) by one or two times for the sector as its previous valuations were “overly optimistic” given the bearish outlook.
The poor outlook for the sector may be evident from the poor showing in financial results for some companies.
For 3QFY11 ended July 31, HELP’s net profit dived 92% to RM245,000 compared with RM3.24 million a year earlier. Its revenue, however, was flattish at RM23.96 million compared with RM23.38 million a year ago. For the nine months to July 2011, HELP’s net profit fell 25% to RM9.48 million, despite a 2.3% increase in revenue to RM79.63 million.
Similarly, Masterskill’s net profit fell 48% to RM11.58 million for 2QFY11 ended June 30, compared with RM22.43 million a year earlier.
Adam Chan Eu-Khin, HELP director of corporate planning, said the drastic fall in profit was mainly due to a one-off RM5 million cost to relocate its HELP ICT College from Klang to Fraser Business Park in Kuala Lumpur.
“As a result, we had to delay enrolment for our new courses as well,” he said.
Analysts, however, have noted that HELP’s earnings would still be flattish on a year-on-year basis without the RM5 million relocation cost.
“The delay caused HELP to postpone enrolment and marketing campaigns for new courses for the January/March intakes this year, which were reflected mostly in the 2QFY11 numbers,” said InsiderAsia in a recent report. It added that with HELP’s promotion to university status, it had to increase its manpower costs.
HELP was elevated to full university status in September, joining the ranks of the country’s 26 private universities.
HELP also saw its intake in Vietnam postponed due to a quality test by the government earlier this year, and had to incur cost to transfer its twinning programmes from HELP University College to HELP Academy.
Despite these headwinds, HELP is optimistic for better days ahead.
“The Vietnamese government has given the green light and we now have 50 students. We are beginning to market and recruit more students and hope to enroll 200 students by end-2012,” said Chan. He added it will also begin marketing to recruit more students after the relocation of its facility to Fraser Business Park.
Chan noted that the weakening US dollar has caused many Chinese students to pursue their education directly in the US and UK instead of Malaysia, and this will be a continuing trend in the future.
He added that given the recent termination of the joint-venture (JV) with Asia Pacific Land Bhd (AP Land), HELP will postpone its expansion plans in China indefinitely.
OSK Research analyst Kong Heng Siong said the termination of the JV with AP Land is a blessing in disguise as HELP would then be able to focus on marketing and improving its operations in the local and Southeast Asia markets.
“If you look at HELP’s operations, it has a firmer presence in Southeast Asia than China. It should definitely focus on recruiting students in this market as Malaysia will become a very attractive destination for tertiary education for those who cannot afford to go to US and UK,” he said.
Kong said he is unperturbed with the RM5 million relocation cost and expenditure to hire new staff, as the “short-term pain” is necessary to secure long-term growth for the group.
“However, HELP is still a niche player and it needs to diversify its offering in order to be able to attract more students in the future. HELP is expanding now, but it needs to ensure that it has enough students to fill the capacity,” he said.
An analyst with InsiderAsia noted that SEGi had experienced a similar gestation period when it expanded in the past, and is confident HELP’s earnings growth will recover in the future.
He said SEGi took a long while to digest all its acquisitions, brands and products.
“It was only in early 2010 that investors really took notice of SEGi’s turnaround and the stock price surged,” he said.
Earlier in the decade, SEGi’s profitability was low. Between 2001 and 2005, it offered courses under different brand names, such as Prime and Systematic. In 2006, the company streamlined its operations and consolidated into six large branches, including its flagship campus in Kota Damansara and used a single “SEGi” brand name.
By 2008, the fruit of the exercise was reaped, as SEGi’s pre-tax profit soared to RM9.88 million from RM2.48 million in 2007. It rose further to RM14.61 million in 2009 and RM54.31 million in 2010.
While the opening of the Fraser Business Park branch this year and the new Subang 2 campus in 2013 could cause some volatility in HELP’s medium-term earnings, the analyst is optimistic it will set the foundation for stronger growth in the future. “HELP is investing for the future,” he said, adding that another avenue for growth is its planned diversification into the lucrative private secondary education segment.
Kong said there are few catalysts that would re-rate HELP at the moment but there could be a minor improvement in profit for 4Q, depending on student intake in September. He added that HELP could propose a capital exercise to raise funds to build its flagship campus at Subang 2, which would also make its shares more liquid. OSK Research has a fair value of RM1.99 for HELP.
As for Masterskill, Kong said the stock has been battered down due to late student intake and reduction of National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loan approvals. About 95% of Masterskill students depend on PTPTN for funding.
“Masterskill has also seen some new competition in the healthcare education business. Just like HELP, Masterskill will need to diversify its offering,” he said.
OSK Research has a “trading buy” call on Masterskill with fair value of RM1.91.
Masterskill now has to contend with a new competitor in the form of KPJ Healthcare Bhd, Malaysia’s largest private hospital operator.
In July, KPJ’s education subsidiary, KPJ International College of Nursing and Health Sciences (KPJIUC), attained university college status, giving it a boost in academic standing and the ability to grant its own degrees. KPJ plans to invest RM120 million to expand its Nilai campus and aims to see a student enrolment of 10,000 by 2015.
Datin Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir, KPJ managing director, has said the institution aims to acquire the status of a full-fledged university by 2016.
KPJ has a large infrastructure of hospitals, doctors and nursing staff which can support its courses, provide its students on-the-job training and give them future employment opportunities.
While Masterskill has no hospitals, it may have better economies of scale, with a revenue base about 10 times higher and a student base seven times larger than KPJIUC’s.
HELP has lost 40.5% from its 52-week high of RM2.84 to last Friday’s close of RM1.69, while Masterskill has fallen 66.3% from its year-high of RM3.49 to RM1.18 last Friday.
Among the education stocks, SEGi stands as both OSK Research and RHB Research’s top picks.
“In the education business, size does matter. SEGi currently has a very diversified offering and is focusing on the middle-income group that forms a large population here. There is also room to grow its student number from 25,000 currently to its full capacity of 30,000,” he said.
SEGi saw its net profit grow 78% to RM36.25 million for 1HFY11 ended June, on the back of RM137.7 million in revenue. Its share price, however, has fallen 19.2% from a recent high of RM2.08 in July to RM1.68 last Friday.
“SEGi is still our pick for the sector, due to its good track record and resilience in riding out market uncertainties. SEGi deservedly trades at a premium to its peers at 12.8 times FY12 PER (HELP at 12.6 and Masterskill 8.8 times), supported by its superior compound annual growth rate of 26.3% (HELP 7.7% and Masterskill -19.6%).
We continue to believe that SEGi is best poised to deliver growth going forward,” said RHB Research.
Apart from SEGi, OSK Research is also upbeat on Bursa Malaysia newcomer Prestariang Bhd, which offers ICT certification and distribution of software licences.
“Prestariang has a very secure business model with a good response to its courses by both graduates and undergraduates. Other stocks are expected to see gradual earnings growth, but Prestariang is expected to see its earnings grow by more than 50% for FY11,” said Kong, who added the counter has an attractive low single-digit valuation.
Listed on July 27, Prestariang posted RM12.99 million in net profit and RM45.99 million revenue for 1HFY11 ended June 30. However, its stock has since fallen 25.6% from its IPO price of 90 sen to Friday’s close of 67 sen.
Prestariang currently has an order book of RM280 million, with projects until 2015. It also counts international players such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and Autodesk as partners.
Alexander Chia of RHB Research said in the midst of waning global market sentiment, investors are more inclined to invest in defensive stocks.
“With a global recession looking possible next year, defensive stocks are in favour. In addition, investors looking to bottom fish to benefit from a near-term market bounce, would likely gravitate to higher beta issues that have seen a sharp selldown,” he said.
He added that although there is long-term growth potential for the education sector, HELP is a rather illiquid stock, which does not make it attractive for investors given the bearish market environment.
Although education is a non-cyclical sector, the headwinds faced by some players have been a drag on their performance and it remains to be seen when these will blow over.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, Ocotber 17, 2011.
Last month, RHB Research downgraded the sector to “neutral” on fears of a weak market outlook.
“We are turning cautious on prospects for the education sector in the coming quarter given rising macroeconomic headwinds, illiquidity of the stock in the sector, the relative small market cap of education stocks, and high foreign ownership,” it said in the Sept 29 report.
It downgraded HELP and Masterskill to “underperform” from “outperform” and “market perform”, while maintaining an “outperform” call on SEG International Bhd (SEGi).
RHB Research said education stocks were driven by Economic Transformation Programme (ETP) news flow in the past, but now the excitement has begun to recede.
“Entry point-projects (EPP) involving SEGi, such as the establishment of the Early Childhood Care and Education (ECCE) hub and the SkillsMalaysia INVITE programme, are already underway, while the announcement of the gradual liberalisation of the education sector under the Strategic Reform Initiatives is already priced in,” it said.
The research house has cut its FY12 price-earnings ratio (PER) by one or two times for the sector as its previous valuations were “overly optimistic” given the bearish outlook.
The poor outlook for the sector may be evident from the poor showing in financial results for some companies.
For 3QFY11 ended July 31, HELP’s net profit dived 92% to RM245,000 compared with RM3.24 million a year earlier. Its revenue, however, was flattish at RM23.96 million compared with RM23.38 million a year ago. For the nine months to July 2011, HELP’s net profit fell 25% to RM9.48 million, despite a 2.3% increase in revenue to RM79.63 million.
Adam Chan Eu-Khin, HELP director of corporate planning, said the drastic fall in profit was mainly due to a one-off RM5 million cost to relocate its HELP ICT College from Klang to Fraser Business Park in Kuala Lumpur.
“As a result, we had to delay enrolment for our new courses as well,” he said.
Analysts, however, have noted that HELP’s earnings would still be flattish on a year-on-year basis without the RM5 million relocation cost.
“The delay caused HELP to postpone enrolment and marketing campaigns for new courses for the January/March intakes this year, which were reflected mostly in the 2QFY11 numbers,” said InsiderAsia in a recent report. It added that with HELP’s promotion to university status, it had to increase its manpower costs.
HELP was elevated to full university status in September, joining the ranks of the country’s 26 private universities.
HELP also saw its intake in Vietnam postponed due to a quality test by the government earlier this year, and had to incur cost to transfer its twinning programmes from HELP University College to HELP Academy.
Despite these headwinds, HELP is optimistic for better days ahead.
“The Vietnamese government has given the green light and we now have 50 students. We are beginning to market and recruit more students and hope to enroll 200 students by end-2012,” said Chan. He added it will also begin marketing to recruit more students after the relocation of its facility to Fraser Business Park.
Chan noted that the weakening US dollar has caused many Chinese students to pursue their education directly in the US and UK instead of Malaysia, and this will be a continuing trend in the future.
He added that given the recent termination of the joint-venture (JV) with Asia Pacific Land Bhd (AP Land), HELP will postpone its expansion plans in China indefinitely.
OSK Research analyst Kong Heng Siong said the termination of the JV with AP Land is a blessing in disguise as HELP would then be able to focus on marketing and improving its operations in the local and Southeast Asia markets.
“If you look at HELP’s operations, it has a firmer presence in Southeast Asia than China. It should definitely focus on recruiting students in this market as Malaysia will become a very attractive destination for tertiary education for those who cannot afford to go to US and UK,” he said.
Kong said he is unperturbed with the RM5 million relocation cost and expenditure to hire new staff, as the “short-term pain” is necessary to secure long-term growth for the group.
“However, HELP is still a niche player and it needs to diversify its offering in order to be able to attract more students in the future. HELP is expanding now, but it needs to ensure that it has enough students to fill the capacity,” he said.
An analyst with InsiderAsia noted that SEGi had experienced a similar gestation period when it expanded in the past, and is confident HELP’s earnings growth will recover in the future.
He said SEGi took a long while to digest all its acquisitions, brands and products.
“It was only in early 2010 that investors really took notice of SEGi’s turnaround and the stock price surged,” he said.
Earlier in the decade, SEGi’s profitability was low. Between 2001 and 2005, it offered courses under different brand names, such as Prime and Systematic. In 2006, the company streamlined its operations and consolidated into six large branches, including its flagship campus in Kota Damansara and used a single “SEGi” brand name.
By 2008, the fruit of the exercise was reaped, as SEGi’s pre-tax profit soared to RM9.88 million from RM2.48 million in 2007. It rose further to RM14.61 million in 2009 and RM54.31 million in 2010.
While the opening of the Fraser Business Park branch this year and the new Subang 2 campus in 2013 could cause some volatility in HELP’s medium-term earnings, the analyst is optimistic it will set the foundation for stronger growth in the future. “HELP is investing for the future,” he said, adding that another avenue for growth is its planned diversification into the lucrative private secondary education segment.
Kong said there are few catalysts that would re-rate HELP at the moment but there could be a minor improvement in profit for 4Q, depending on student intake in September. He added that HELP could propose a capital exercise to raise funds to build its flagship campus at Subang 2, which would also make its shares more liquid. OSK Research has a fair value of RM1.99 for HELP.
As for Masterskill, Kong said the stock has been battered down due to late student intake and reduction of National Higher Education Fund (PTPTN) loan approvals. About 95% of Masterskill students depend on PTPTN for funding.
“Masterskill has also seen some new competition in the healthcare education business. Just like HELP, Masterskill will need to diversify its offering,” he said.
OSK Research has a “trading buy” call on Masterskill with fair value of RM1.91.
Masterskill now has to contend with a new competitor in the form of KPJ Healthcare Bhd, Malaysia’s largest private hospital operator.
In July, KPJ’s education subsidiary, KPJ International College of Nursing and Health Sciences (KPJIUC), attained university college status, giving it a boost in academic standing and the ability to grant its own degrees. KPJ plans to invest RM120 million to expand its Nilai campus and aims to see a student enrolment of 10,000 by 2015.
Datin Siti Sa’diah Sheikh Bakir, KPJ managing director, has said the institution aims to acquire the status of a full-fledged university by 2016.
KPJ has a large infrastructure of hospitals, doctors and nursing staff which can support its courses, provide its students on-the-job training and give them future employment opportunities.
While Masterskill has no hospitals, it may have better economies of scale, with a revenue base about 10 times higher and a student base seven times larger than KPJIUC’s.
HELP has lost 40.5% from its 52-week high of RM2.84 to last Friday’s close of RM1.69, while Masterskill has fallen 66.3% from its year-high of RM3.49 to RM1.18 last Friday.
Among the education stocks, SEGi stands as both OSK Research and RHB Research’s top picks.
“In the education business, size does matter. SEGi currently has a very diversified offering and is focusing on the middle-income group that forms a large population here. There is also room to grow its student number from 25,000 currently to its full capacity of 30,000,” he said.
SEGi saw its net profit grow 78% to RM36.25 million for 1HFY11 ended June, on the back of RM137.7 million in revenue. Its share price, however, has fallen 19.2% from a recent high of RM2.08 in July to RM1.68 last Friday.
“SEGi is still our pick for the sector, due to its good track record and resilience in riding out market uncertainties. SEGi deservedly trades at a premium to its peers at 12.8 times FY12 PER (HELP at 12.6 and Masterskill 8.8 times), supported by its superior compound annual growth rate of 26.3% (HELP 7.7% and Masterskill -19.6%).
We continue to believe that SEGi is best poised to deliver growth going forward,” said RHB Research.
Apart from SEGi, OSK Research is also upbeat on Bursa Malaysia newcomer Prestariang Bhd, which offers ICT certification and distribution of software licences.
“Prestariang has a very secure business model with a good response to its courses by both graduates and undergraduates. Other stocks are expected to see gradual earnings growth, but Prestariang is expected to see its earnings grow by more than 50% for FY11,” said Kong, who added the counter has an attractive low single-digit valuation.
Listed on July 27, Prestariang posted RM12.99 million in net profit and RM45.99 million revenue for 1HFY11 ended June 30. However, its stock has since fallen 25.6% from its IPO price of 90 sen to Friday’s close of 67 sen.
Prestariang currently has an order book of RM280 million, with projects until 2015. It also counts international players such as Microsoft, Oracle, IBM and Autodesk as partners.
Alexander Chia of RHB Research said in the midst of waning global market sentiment, investors are more inclined to invest in defensive stocks.
“With a global recession looking possible next year, defensive stocks are in favour. In addition, investors looking to bottom fish to benefit from a near-term market bounce, would likely gravitate to higher beta issues that have seen a sharp selldown,” he said.
He added that although there is long-term growth potential for the education sector, HELP is a rather illiquid stock, which does not make it attractive for investors given the bearish market environment.
Although education is a non-cyclical sector, the headwinds faced by some players have been a drag on their performance and it remains to be seen when these will blow over.
This article appeared in The Edge Financial Daily, Ocotber 17, 2011.
Public Bank third quarter net profit rises 14.8pc
KUALA LUMPUR: Public Bank Bhd's net profit for the third quarter ended September 30 increased 14.8 per cent to RM898.7 million, up from RM782.7 million a year ago.
This was driven by strong loans and deposits growth and stable asset quality, which resulted in higher net interest income and lower loan impairment charges, the bank said.
"The outlook of the Malaysian banking sector, in which the group largely operates in, continues to be stable and supportive of growth.
"We continue to see the group's business performance to be in line with expectations and on track in meeting the key business targets for 2011," Public Bank's founder and chairman Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow said in a statement yesterday.
Revenue for the same period increased by 13.7 per cent to RM3.27 billion from RM2.87 billion, while earnings per share were 25.66 sen, compared with 22.35 sen a year ago.
"The retail banking business is projected to grow at a moderate pace amid stiff competition and the introduction of regulatory measures to address rising household debt levels," Teh said.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2011, its net profit grew 18.4 per cent to RM2.6 billion from RM2.2 billion, while revenue rose 16.9 per cent to RM9.4 billion from RM8.1 billion previously.
"The Public Bank group's sound financial results are a validation of its effective organic growth strategies and sustainable business model.
"The group net return on equity of 26.7 per cent remains the highest among Malaysian banks."
The net profit growth and net return on equity were driven by strong revenue growth, continued disciplined cost management with low cost-to-income ratio of 30 per cent, and superior asset quality with improvement in credit charges by 15 per cent.
Public Bank reaffirmed its number one position in domestic lending for residential mortgages, commercial property financing and passenger vehicles financing.
Teh said the bank's balance sheet growth indicators remained healthy with gross loans at RM172.7 billion, up 13.8 per cent on an annualised basis.
Domestic loan growth, meanwhile, remained strong with an annualised growth rate of 14.1 per cent.
Total customer deposits grew by an annualised rate of 12.7 per cent to RM193.7 billion, while domestic customer deposits grew at a stronger annualised growth rate of 13.8 per cent.
"The outlook of the Malaysian banking sector, in which the group largely operates in, continues to be stable and supportive of growth.
"We continue to see the group's business performance to be in line with expectations and on track in meeting the key business targets for 2011," Public Bank's founder and chairman Tan Sri Teh Hong Piow said in a statement yesterday.
Revenue for the same period increased by 13.7 per cent to RM3.27 billion from RM2.87 billion, while earnings per share were 25.66 sen, compared with 22.35 sen a year ago.
For the nine months ended September 30, 2011, its net profit grew 18.4 per cent to RM2.6 billion from RM2.2 billion, while revenue rose 16.9 per cent to RM9.4 billion from RM8.1 billion previously.
"The Public Bank group's sound financial results are a validation of its effective organic growth strategies and sustainable business model.
"The group net return on equity of 26.7 per cent remains the highest among Malaysian banks."
The net profit growth and net return on equity were driven by strong revenue growth, continued disciplined cost management with low cost-to-income ratio of 30 per cent, and superior asset quality with improvement in credit charges by 15 per cent.
Public Bank reaffirmed its number one position in domestic lending for residential mortgages, commercial property financing and passenger vehicles financing.
Teh said the bank's balance sheet growth indicators remained healthy with gross loans at RM172.7 billion, up 13.8 per cent on an annualised basis.
Domestic loan growth, meanwhile, remained strong with an annualised growth rate of 14.1 per cent.
Total customer deposits grew by an annualised rate of 12.7 per cent to RM193.7 billion, while domestic customer deposits grew at a stronger annualised growth rate of 13.8 per cent.
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
China bubble concerns spread
Wednesday October 12, 2011
Developers and insurance companies rushing to invest in commercial property
BEIJING: Concerns over a bubble in China's residential property market are spreading to the commercial real-estate sector at a time when developers are upping their exposure, and the country's insurance industry is poised to invest huge sums into the space.
While commercial prices are steady and insurance companies are watching and waiting, residential property developers have increased investments in the office sector after Chinese government measures were instituted to cool home prices.
Shimao Property, Country Garden, China Resources Land and Poly have been increasing their investments in commercial property. Smaller developers such as SinoOcean Land and Gemdale are increasing commercial exposure, too.
Commercial real-estate investment in China will exceed one trillion yuan (US$157bil) this year, up from 740 billion yuan in 2010, as developers have shifted away from the housing market, the target of nearly two years of government measures to cool the sector.
The investment frenzy into commercial property has also been fuelled by expectations of a potentially huge demand from China's insurers, which won approval late last year to invest up to 10% of their assets in real estate, most of which was aimed at commercial properties.
Investmen frenzy: Workmen install a poster onto a wall surrounding a construction site showing an artist’s impression of the new business district of Binhai, on the outskirts of Tianjin in this March 2, 2011 file photo. A glut of commercial property is already plaguing cities such as Chengdu, Shenyang and Tianjin. — Reuters But even before any major investment from insurance companies, prices of office space and shopping malls have jumped and rental yields have slipped due to speculative buying, fuelling concerns of a bubble forming across the industry.
“The low investment yield does give us some concern that prices probably have gone up a lot and we need to see the income growth before we can see values going higher,” said Michael Klibaner, head of China research for property consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle.
Insurers, including China Life, Ping An, China Pacific and Goldman Sachs backed Taikang Life, have 500 billion yuan available to invest in property, based on the industry's total assets of about five trillion yuan.
That's enough to buy all top-grade office buildings in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, analysts say.
But only a fraction of the 500 billion yuan has been invested so far, as insurers keep a tight grasp on their money, given the concerns surrounding the sector.
Annual gross rental yields on commercial properties in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have fallen to 46% from around 10% several years ago.
Commercial properties in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are now generating annual gross rental returns that are below China's official one-year lending rate of 6.56%. That means if investors borrow and plough that money into commercial property, they stand to lose because the returns won't even cover the borrowing cost.
Last month, China's banking regulator urged banks to strictly monitor risks when they provide loans to commercial property projects and set a higher criteria for approving such loans than for home mortgages.
The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) currently requires insurers to submit all property transactions for its approval as it works on more detailed investment rules.
“The risk is a bit high if insurers invest in the real-estate market now. There are good reasons for CIRC to hold back the issuance of its final guidelines,” said Chen Hongxia, an analyst at Oriental Securities in Shanghai.
Faced with mounting pressure to meet their long-term liabilities amid a rapidly ageing population, insurers had spent years lobbying Beijing to lift the property investment ban.
Domestic investors are largely restricted from buying properties abroad due to China's closed capital account, forcing them to look for investment opportunities within the country.
Investment in commercial property is encouraged by China's vow to boost domestic consumption as part of its economic rebalancing.
Shirley Xiao, senior vice-president of top Chinese developer China Vanke, described the commercial property rush as irrational.
Many developers lacked the financial backing and human resources needed to run office properties and malls, and China's urbanisation was far from over, boding well for the residential sector over the long term, she said. “We don't think there is logic behind this.”
A glut of commercial property was already plaguing cities such as Chengdu, Shenyang and Tianjin, analysts said. - Reuters
Shopping malls are being built across the country, with some boasting floor areas of more than several hundred thousand sq m.
The rationale behind building more malls: China has much less retail space per capita than Europe and the United States. Retail space per capita in China is less than 0.5 sq m, compared with about one sq m in Europe and 23 sq m in the United States.
But some analysts say this comparison is misleading, given the sheer size of China's population.
In some major Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, retail space per capita is already nearing or surpassing the European and US levels.
Only large developers with easy access to bank credit and strong state parent backing, such as China Resources Land, would be successful in running large malls when there was a glut, analysts said.
It is more risky for smaller developers such as SinoOcean Land and Gemdale to expand aggressively in commercial property, which requires more expertise and is more capital intensive and time consuming.
And as more people shop online, it is getting increasingly challenging to run a shopping mall and make it appealing to merchants, consumers and investors.
“I think it will be a golden decade for the consumer Whether it will be a golden decade for developers remains to be seen,” said James Hawkey, executive director of retail services at Cushman & Wakefield in China. - Reuters
Developers and insurance companies rushing to invest in commercial property
BEIJING: Concerns over a bubble in China's residential property market are spreading to the commercial real-estate sector at a time when developers are upping their exposure, and the country's insurance industry is poised to invest huge sums into the space.
While commercial prices are steady and insurance companies are watching and waiting, residential property developers have increased investments in the office sector after Chinese government measures were instituted to cool home prices.
Shimao Property, Country Garden, China Resources Land and Poly have been increasing their investments in commercial property. Smaller developers such as SinoOcean Land and Gemdale are increasing commercial exposure, too.
Commercial real-estate investment in China will exceed one trillion yuan (US$157bil) this year, up from 740 billion yuan in 2010, as developers have shifted away from the housing market, the target of nearly two years of government measures to cool the sector.
The investment frenzy into commercial property has also been fuelled by expectations of a potentially huge demand from China's insurers, which won approval late last year to invest up to 10% of their assets in real estate, most of which was aimed at commercial properties.
“The low investment yield does give us some concern that prices probably have gone up a lot and we need to see the income growth before we can see values going higher,” said Michael Klibaner, head of China research for property consultancy Jones Lang LaSalle.
Insurers, including China Life, Ping An, China Pacific and Goldman Sachs backed Taikang Life, have 500 billion yuan available to invest in property, based on the industry's total assets of about five trillion yuan.
That's enough to buy all top-grade office buildings in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou and Shenzhen, analysts say.
But only a fraction of the 500 billion yuan has been invested so far, as insurers keep a tight grasp on their money, given the concerns surrounding the sector.
Annual gross rental yields on commercial properties in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai have fallen to 46% from around 10% several years ago.
Commercial properties in major cities such as Beijing and Shanghai are now generating annual gross rental returns that are below China's official one-year lending rate of 6.56%. That means if investors borrow and plough that money into commercial property, they stand to lose because the returns won't even cover the borrowing cost.
Last month, China's banking regulator urged banks to strictly monitor risks when they provide loans to commercial property projects and set a higher criteria for approving such loans than for home mortgages.
The China Insurance Regulatory Commission (CIRC) currently requires insurers to submit all property transactions for its approval as it works on more detailed investment rules.
“The risk is a bit high if insurers invest in the real-estate market now. There are good reasons for CIRC to hold back the issuance of its final guidelines,” said Chen Hongxia, an analyst at Oriental Securities in Shanghai.
Faced with mounting pressure to meet their long-term liabilities amid a rapidly ageing population, insurers had spent years lobbying Beijing to lift the property investment ban.
Domestic investors are largely restricted from buying properties abroad due to China's closed capital account, forcing them to look for investment opportunities within the country.
Investment in commercial property is encouraged by China's vow to boost domestic consumption as part of its economic rebalancing.
Shirley Xiao, senior vice-president of top Chinese developer China Vanke, described the commercial property rush as irrational.
Many developers lacked the financial backing and human resources needed to run office properties and malls, and China's urbanisation was far from over, boding well for the residential sector over the long term, she said. “We don't think there is logic behind this.”
A glut of commercial property was already plaguing cities such as Chengdu, Shenyang and Tianjin, analysts said. - Reuters
Shopping malls are being built across the country, with some boasting floor areas of more than several hundred thousand sq m.
The rationale behind building more malls: China has much less retail space per capita than Europe and the United States. Retail space per capita in China is less than 0.5 sq m, compared with about one sq m in Europe and 23 sq m in the United States.
But some analysts say this comparison is misleading, given the sheer size of China's population.
In some major Chinese cities such as Beijing and Shanghai, retail space per capita is already nearing or surpassing the European and US levels.
Only large developers with easy access to bank credit and strong state parent backing, such as China Resources Land, would be successful in running large malls when there was a glut, analysts said.
It is more risky for smaller developers such as SinoOcean Land and Gemdale to expand aggressively in commercial property, which requires more expertise and is more capital intensive and time consuming.
And as more people shop online, it is getting increasingly challenging to run a shopping mall and make it appealing to merchants, consumers and investors.
“I think it will be a golden decade for the consumer Whether it will be a golden decade for developers remains to be seen,” said James Hawkey, executive director of retail services at Cushman & Wakefield in China. - Reuters
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